Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 842,685 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

entertainment solutions

18441 34182 52623

entertainment information industry

15725 22489 38214

entertainment information industry

15725 22489 38214

education industry industry

5080 22405 27485

education market customers

4666 21774 26440

education customers

4666 21774 26440

entertainment media

10864 14465 25329

entertainment publisher

8107 10801 18908

e-learning industry

1538 14158 15696

eLearning industry

1538 14158 15696

entertainment tech

5821 9158 14979

entertainment software

5310 8059 13369

entertainment software

5310 8059 13369

enterprise content management industry

5378 7761 13139

ECM industry

5378 7761 13139

education applications industry

753 11476 12229

education software industry

753 11476 12229

entertainment application software

4753 7418 12171

education industry

3134 8080 11214

educational institution industry

3279 7911 11190

education solutions

2204 8982 11186

education information industry

3177 7822 10999

entertainment publication

3650 4839 8489

entertainment print publishing

3650 4839 8489

employment agency industry

1594 6853 8447

education tech

2132 6260 8392

employment agency industry

1313 6442 7755

equity financing industry

38 7655 7693

equity investor industry

38 7655 7693

exhibits/conf/seminars industry

1921 5522 7443

event company industry

1921 5522 7443

education university

2067 4617 6684

education college

2067 4617 6684

educational institution

2067 4617 6684

education career college

2067 4617 6684

electronics company industry

669 5958 6627

electronic device industry

669 5958 6627

education software

1547 4588 6135

earth science solutions

1905 4055 5960

education application software

1451 4460 5911

entertainment corporations customers

2038 3073 5111

education information industry

1300 3697 4997

education information industry

1300 3697 4997

earth science information industry

1862 3135 4997

earth science information industry

1862 3135 4997

entertainment website

2104 2786 4890

entertainment portal

2104 2786 4890

entertainment website

2104 2786 4890

entertainment portal

2104 2786 4890

entertainment management application

1696 2569 4265