Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 849,629 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

Audience customers

89920 328968 418888

Attributes channel

89920 328968 418888

Subject solutions

89920 328968 418888

All Clientele customers

89920 328968 418888

Industry industry

89920 328968 418888

B2B customers

64879 269758 334637

business to business customers

64879 269758 334637

No Attribute channel

51405 255655 307060

information industry industry

73616 224902 298518

business to business information industry

73344 188240 261584

B2B information industry

73344 188240 261584

B2B tech

64212 172071 236283

business to business tech

64212 172071 236283

tech industry

50334 176354 226688

it industry industry

50334 176354 226688

software company industry

37607 139751 177358

software industry

37607 139751 177358

B2B software

46205 128770 174975

business to business software

46205 128770 174975

service agency industry

36562 133110 169672

application software industry

30994 127240 158234

business to business application software

38240 115362 153602

B2B application software

38240 115362 153602

niche markets customers

38066 113052 151118

B2B management application

32694 102170 134864