Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 855,221 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

alcoholic beverage analysis software

0 0 0

asylum industry

0 0 0

advertising company trade book

0 0 0

augmented reality book of maps

0 0 0

advertising company film studio

0 0 0

artist consulting company

0 0 0

automobile manufacturer newssheet

0 0 0

ad agency film studio

0 0 0

aeronautical engineer information industry

0 0 0

asset management (physical) Information Lifecycle Management

0 0 0

action sport classifieds

0 0 0

action sport classified publisher

0 0 0

audiotape business to business software

0 0 0

advertising agency newsletter

0 0 0

artist advisor

0 0 0

applied scientist electronic newsletters

0 0 0

audiotape B2B software

0 0 0

applied scientist html ezine

0 0 0

artist consulting firm

0 0 0

advertising agency film studio

0 0 0

ad agency newsletter

0 0 0

advertising web hosting services

0 0 0

American football video game

0 0 0

application platform as a service telecommunications industry computer manufacturer

0 0 0

apaas telecommunications industry computer appliance

0 0 0

application platform as a service telecommunications industry manufacturer

0 0 0

apaas business to business electronics company

0 0 0

apaas B2B electronics company

0 0 0

animal scientist customers

0 0 0

asset management (physical) communication utilities

0 0 0

Audio Visual Technology training

0 0 0

archive auction

0 0 0

apaas education Development Tools

0 0 0

ad agency SMS

0 0 0

automobile manufacturer vade mecum

0 0 0

automobile dealerships ad agency

0 0 0

author marketing

0 0 0

advertising agency SMS

0 0 0

athletics television broadcasting

0 0 0

AEC industry electronic magazines

0 0 0

audiotape merchant software

0 0 0

athletics tv broadcasting

0 0 0

auto dealerships advertising agency

0 0 0

advertising company e-zines

0 0 0

AEC industry ezine

0 0 0

architecture, engineering and construction industry e-zines

0 0 0

assisted living facilities market report

0 0 0

asset management (physical) equity investor

0 0 0

asset management (physical) collective investment scheme

0 0 0

asset management (IT) website

0 0 0