Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 858,481 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

consumer customers

27701 69080 96781

consumer information industry

27002 47973 74975

Cloud Computing B2B information industry

25670 44927 70597

Cloud Computing business to business information industry

25670 44927 70597

Cloud Computing business to business tech

25643 44848 70491

Cloud Computing B2B tech

25643 44848 70491

Cloud Computing business to business software

25444 44525 69969

Cloud Computing B2B software

25444 44525 69969

Cloud Computing business to business application software

21872 40157 62029

Cloud Computing B2B application software

21872 40157 62029

Cloud Computing business to business management application

19805 37027 56832

Cloud Computing B2B management application

19805 37027 56832

computer science information industry

19191 68247 87438

computer science information industry

19191 68247 87438

computer science tech

17876 66421 84297

computer science solutions

17839 68955 86794

Cloud Computing channel

17829 35830 53659

Cloud Computing business information industry

15637 22906 38543

Cloud Computing business information industry

15637 22906 38543

Cloud Computing business tech

15621 22861 38482

Cloud Computing business software

15571 22773 38344

Cloud Computing business software

15571 22773 38344

consumer media

15554 22793 38347

Cloud Computing business application software

14481 21444 35925

Cloud Computing business management application

13667 20358 34025

consumer publisher

10992 15464 26456

communications solutions

10771 22401 33172

communications information industry

10443 19903 30346

communications information industry

10443 19903 30346

consumer marketing

9918 22867 32785

communications tech

9359 18405 27764

computer science software

9171 33382 42553

computer science software

9171 33382 42553

Cloud Computing business management information industry

8892 14059 22951

Cloud Computing practice management information industry

8892 14059 22951

Cloud Computing practice management tech

8888 14047 22935

Cloud Computing business management tech

8888 14047 22935

Cloud Computing practice management software

8854 13994 22848

Cloud Computing business management software

8854 13994 22848

Cloud Computing practice management software

8854 13994 22848

Cloud Computing business management software

8854 13994 22848

computer science IT Consultant

8421 32537 40958

computer science IT Services/Consulting

8421 32537 40958

Cloud Computing practice management application software

8044 13021 21065

Cloud Computing business management application software

8044 13021 21065

computer network solutions

7863 17173 25036

computer network information industry

7714 15933 23647

computer network information industry

7714 15933 23647

Cloud Computing practice management management application

7570 12378 19948

Cloud Computing business management management application

7570 12378 19948