Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 849,611 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

custom publishing industry

120 198 318

convention centre industry

0 3 3

convention center industry

0 3 3

consulting firm industry

2878 9874 12752

consulting company industry

2878 9874 12752

car manufacturer industry

0 39 39

car maker industry

0 39 39

chemist's shop industry

34 99 133

chemist's industry

34 99 133

capital markets collection agency

1 2 3

capital markets debt collection agency

1 2 3

CBT industry

509 1687 2196

Computer Based Training industry

509 1687 2196

commercial bank industry

16 61 77

commodity industry

5 169 174

commodities industry

5 169 174

computer chip industry

9 52 61

content farm industry

5 6 11

career college industry

3325 7962 11287

college industry

3325 7962 11287

communications agency content marketing

0 1 1

commodities manufacturer

1 14 15

commodities construction company

0 1 1

controller shopping guides

0 1 1

comptroller shopping guides

0 1 1

controller classifieds

0 1 1

comptroller classifieds

0 1 1

controller classified publisher

0 1 1

comptroller classified publisher

0 1 1

crawler industry

7 12 19

comptroller magazine publisher

4 3 7

controller magazine

4 3 7

controller magazine publisher

4 3 7

comptroller magazine

4 3 7

clip art industry

5 9 14

collection agency industry

26 194 220

computer appliance industry

153 190 343

contacts database industry

107 118 225

curriculum industry

170 225 395

course material industry

170 225 395

cyclopedia industry

6 10 16

cyclopaedia industry

6 10 16

cinema industry

731 1052 1783

commodities industry

1 110 111

commodity industry

1 110 111

cards industry

23 37 60

course book industry

89 126 215

coursebook industry

89 126 215

calendar industry

7 15 22

calendar software industry

33 39 72