Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 850,864 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

Dutch consumer affiliate network

0 0 0

development ERP

1 0 1

direct mail B2B research

0 0 0

document management auction house

0 0 0

data center database management system

0 0 0

disabled web crawler

0 0 0

driver e-learning

1 0 1

druggist employment agency

1 0 1

dog classified publisher

0 0 0

Dutch style ad agency

0 0 0

domain names management application

0 0 0

Defense Department 3d graphics

0 0 0

Dutch earth science marketing

0 0 0

Dutch science media

0 0 0

dot-com intellectual property licensing

1 0 1

direct mail assisted living facilities marketing

0 0 0

digital communications technology electronic device

0 0 0

Dutch lifestyle marketing

0 0 0

Dutch B2B e-learning

0 0 0

Dutch public sector e-learning

0 0 0

Dutch scientific, technical and medical ad agency

0 0 0

Dutch lifestyle portal

0 0 0

direct mail discrete manufacturer information industry

0 0 0

development auction

0 0 0

direct mail assisted living facilities market report

0 0 0

direct mail business to business publisher

0 0 0

discrete manufacturer vade mecum

0 0 0

Dutch scientific, technical and medical ad network

0 0 0

direct mail skilled nursing facility media

0 0 0

do it yourself communication applications

0 0 0

direct mail assisted living facilities media

0 0 0

Dutch STEM marketing

0 0 0

Dutch STM portal

0 0 0

debt IT Services/Consulting

0 0 0

daily lifestyle magazine

0 0 0

department of local government forum

1 0 1

demonstration solutions

0 0 0

direct mail healthcare provider market research

0 0 0

direct mail health care institutions market research

0 0 0

defense (government) tv network

1 0 1

direct mail business to business research

0 0 0

document management auction

0 0 0

data center DBMS

0 0 0

disabled crawler

0 0 0

docketing ERM

6 0 6

druggist staffing

1 0 1

dog classifieds

0 0 0

daily earth science magazine publisher

0 0 0

deejay retailer

1 0 1


0 0 0