Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 849,629 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

entertainment solutions

18640 34437 53077

entertainment information industry

15962 22791 38753

entertainment information industry

15962 22791 38753

education industry industry

5148 22474 27622

education customers

4733 21855 26588

education market customers

4733 21855 26588

entertainment media

11002 14650 25652

entertainment publisher

8221 10956 19177

eLearning industry

1558 14172 15730

e-learning industry

1558 14172 15730

entertainment tech

5916 9270 15186

entertainment software

5397 8165 13562

entertainment software

5397 8165 13562

enterprise content management industry

5559 7970 13529

ECM industry

5559 7970 13529

entertainment application software

4835 7516 12351

education applications industry

765 11489 12254

education software industry

765 11489 12254

education solutions

2233 9953 12186

education industry

3193 8164 11357

educational institution industry

3325 7962 11287

education information industry

3241 7913 11154

entertainment print publishing

3692 4896 8588

entertainment publication

3692 4896 8588

education tech

2180 6331 8511

employment agency industry

1609 6871 8480

employment agency industry

1324 6456 7780

equity financing industry

38 7700 7738

equity investor industry

38 7700 7738

exhibits/conf/seminars industry

1942 5543 7485

event company industry

1942 5543 7485

education university

2109 4664 6773

educational institution

2109 4664 6773

education career college

2109 4664 6773

education college

2109 4664 6773

electronics company industry

677 5972 6649

electronic device industry

677 5972 6649

education software

1591 4655 6246

education application software

1492 4522 6014

earth science solutions

1923 4071 5994

entertainment corporations customers

2066 3810 5876

earth science information industry

1886 3158 5044

earth science information industry

1886 3158 5044

education information industry

1324 3718 5042

education information industry

1324 3718 5042

entertainment portal

2122 2808 4930

entertainment website

2122 2808 4930

entertainment portal

2122 2808 4930

entertainment website

2122 2808 4930

entertainment corporations information industry

1986 2366 4352