Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 849,422 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

finance solutions

8861 34357 43218

financial services industry

2793 23000 25793

finance financial services

2602 21109 23711

financial intermediary industry

887 16959 17846

finance information industry

6607 10442 17049

finance information industry

6607 10442 17049

finance financial intermediary

784 15806 16590

financial industry customers

5418 11079 16497

finance nondepository financial intermediary

649 15386 16035

financial industry information industry

5774 8798 14572

finance tech

5518 8760 14278

finance software

4839 7899 12738

finance software

4839 7899 12738

financial industry tech

4987 7576 12563

finance application software

4598 7579 12177

fund industry

107 11757 11864

finance investment trust

76 11136 11212

finance investment firm

76 11136 11212

finance investment fund

76 11136 11212

finance fund

76 11136 11212

finance investment company

76 11136 11212

finance management application

4218 6337 10555

financial industry software

4041 6366 10407

financial industry application software

3726 5974 9700

financial industry management application

3496 5145 8641

finance collective investment company

40 7768 7808

finance collective investment scheme

40 7768 7808

finance private equity firm

29 7562 7591

finance equity investor

29 7562 7591

finance private equity

29 7562 7591

finance equity financing

29 7562 7591

finance VC

12 3612 3624

finance venture capital firm

12 3612 3624

finance media

1385 2039 3424

fashion solutions

820 2203 3023

finance publisher

1184 1755 2939

fund customers

944 1826 2770

financial industry media

1102 1577 2679

Food and Beverage solutions

1011 1641 2652

food industry customers

984 1558 2542

food company customers

984 1558 2542

food industry information industry

1157 1378 2535

food company information industry

1157 1378 2535

financial industry publisher

971 1405 2376

food company tech

972 1144 2116

food industry tech

972 1144 2116

federal government customers

818 1238 2056

federal government information industry

931 1059 1990

finance payment processor

721 1235 1956

financial advisor industry

119 1820 1939