Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 849,422 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

golf associations outsourcing

0 1 1

grocery electronic device

0 1 1

gambling industry gaming industry

0 1 1

geotagging advertising agency

0 1 1

glass industry magazine publisher

0 1 1

German publishing wire service

0 1 1

geneticist healthcare institutions

0 1 1

GPS semiconductor

0 3 3

golf associations software tools

0 1 1

geospatial computer manufacturer

0 1 1

greentech content marketing

0 1 1

government shell company

0 1 1

government fund

0 1 1

granger farming

0 1 1

gas service IT Consultant

0 1 1

German Current Events news agency

0 1 1

geophysics computer appliance

0 1 1

GPS publication

0 1 1

gasoline retail store

0 1 1

governance, risk management, and compliance distributor

0 4 4

grocery store CMS

0 3 3

golf industry advisor

0 1 1

grocery portal

0 0 0

governance, risk management, and compliance emarketing

0 0 0

golf clubs patent licensing

0 1 1

geospatial analysis contacts database

0 0 0

graphics technology public utility

0 1 1

geographic information system ad agency

0 1 1

gambling real estate industry

0 1 1

graphics technology conference

0 1 1

governance portal

0 0 0

gynocologist customers

0 0 0

GIS web broadcast

0 1 1

German language financial industry software

0 0 0

gambling industry collective investment company

0 2 2

grocery store outlet

0 1 1

GIS marketplace

0 1 1

golf industry BPO

0 1 1

grocery store electronic device

0 1 1

grocery farming

0 1 1

geolocation advertising agency

0 1 1

glassmaker magazine

0 1 1

German publishing news wire

0 1 1

geneticist health care institutions

0 1 1

GPS integrated circuit

0 3 3

golf associations apps

0 1 1

GIS computer manufacturer

0 1 1

glassmaker tradeshow

0 1 1

government development stage company

0 1 1

government investment company

0 1 1