Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 849,611 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

goods industry

5 169 174

goods industry

1 110 111

greeting cards industry

23 37 60

golf industry IT Consultant

1 1 2

golf associations IT Services/Consulting

1 1 2

golf clubs IT Consultant

1 1 2

golf industry public-service corporation

1 1 2

golf associations public utility

1 1 2

golf clubs utility

1 1 2

golf associations public-service corporation

1 1 2

golf industry public utility

1 1 2

golf clubs public-service corporation

1 1 2

golf industry utility

1 1 2

golf associations utility

1 1 2

golf clubs public utility

1 1 2

golf clubs web hosting services

1 1 2

golf industry web hosting services

1 1 2

golf industry webhost

1 1 2

golf associations host

1 1 2

golf clubs host

1 1 2

golf industry host

1 1 2

golf industry Hosting Services

1 1 2

golf clubs webhost

1 1 2

golf clubs Hosting Services

1 1 2

golf associations Hosting Services

1 1 2

golf associations web hosting services

1 1 2

golf associations webhost

1 1 2

golf industry web studios

1 1 2

golf associations web studios

1 1 2

golf clubs web design

1 1 2

golf associations web design

1 1 2

golf industry web design

1 1 2

golf clubs web studios

1 1 2

golf associations IT Consultant

1 1 2

golf industry IT Services/Consulting

1 1 2

golf clubs IT Services/Consulting

1 1 2

groupware industry

527 955 1482

gas company industry

0 20 20

gas service industry

0 20 20

graphic software industry

168 202 370

growth equity industry

2 149 151

growth capital industry

2 149 151

guidebook industry

478 624 1102

guide industry

478 624 1102

grownup journal

0 0 0

gay community event company

4 5 9

GLBT event company

4 5 9

gay exhibits/conf/seminars

4 5 9

GLBT exhibits/conf/seminars

4 5 9

gay community exhibits/conf/seminars

4 5 9