Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 849,688 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

infrastructure as a service home land security web hosting services

0 1 1

industry analyst tech

0 1 1

investigator consulting company

0 3 3

iaas industrialization host

0 1 1

Italian finance equity investor

0 2 2

Italian Current Events newswire

0 1 1

iaas communications service provider communication applications

0 1 1

infrastructure as a service machine to machine infrastructure software

0 1 1

inventory management investment firm

0 0 0

IT specialization print management software

0 1 1

industrial electric company

0 39 39

information technology development stage company

0 4 4

IAP manufacturer

0 2 2

infrastructure as a service banking industry software

0 0 0

infrastructure asset management Development Tools

0 0 0

ironmonger software

0 0 0

infrastructure as a service IBM webhost

0 1 1

infrastructure as a service military host

0 1 1

independent contractor nondepository financial intermediary

0 1 1

infrastructure as a service internet of things software

0 1 1

infrastructure as a service depository financial institution information industry

0 0 0

investment angel investor

0 18 18

investment bank investment manager

0 1 1

IVF healthcare institutions

0 2 2

information technology department equity investor

0 3 3

investment trust credit reference agency

0 0 0

infrastructure as a service fund nondepository financial intermediary

0 0 0

insurer healthcare service

0 1 1

insurance firm investment company

0 10 10

instructor financial services

0 1 1

infrastructure as a service machine to machine information industry

0 1 1

iaas telecommunications systems software

0 2 2

infrastructure as a service digital publishing utility

0 1 1

IBM colocation centre

0 1 1

Italian user generated content information industry

0 0 0

internet company university

0 1 1

iaas financial industry fund

0 0 0

inn fund

0 1 1

investment trust private equity firm

0 24 24

infrastructure as a service content management utility

0 1 1

IBM public utility

0 1 1

infrastructure as a service government webhost

0 1 1

insurance broker newswire

0 0 0

iaas internet of things tech

0 1 1

institutional investors webcasting

0 0 0

iaas information privacy information industry

0 1 1

internet business financial advisor

0 0 0

instructor electronic information

0 1 1

interactive entertainment apps

0 2 2

internet company retail

0 1 1