Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 858,706 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

Industry industry

91272 348098 439370

information industry industry

74791 240589 315380

it industry industry

51274 190376 241650

internet terms channel

38878 75602 114480

information technology solutions

17846 68957 86803

information technology information industry

19198 68249 87447

information technology information industry

19198 68249 87447

information technology tech

17883 66423 84306

information technology consultant industry

15356 44623 59979

IT Consultant industry

15356 44623 59979

IT Services/Consulting industry

15356 44623 59979

IT Services/Consulting industry

11105 38816 49921

IT Consultant industry

11105 38816 49921

information technology consultant industry

11105 38816 49921

information technology software

9177 33384 42561

information technology software

9177 33384 42561

information technology IT Consultant

8422 32537 40959

information technology IT Services/Consulting

8422 32537 40959

information technology application software

4916 23290 28206

information technology management application

3295 21203 24498

investing solutions

2155 19020 21175

investment solutions

2155 19020 21175

infrastructure software industry

7696 15288 22984

investing financial services

683 15082 15765

investment financial services

683 15082 15765

internet solutions

6779 15039 21818

investment financial intermediary

410 13814 14224

investing financial intermediary

410 13814 14224

investing nondepository financial intermediary

408 13806 14214

investment nondepository financial intermediary

408 13806 14214

internet information industry

6469 13696 20165

internet information industry

6469 13696 20165

internet tech

5579 12444 18023

investment firm industry

108 11818 11926

investment fund industry

108 11818 11926

investment company industry

108 11818 11926

investment trust industry

108 11818 11926

investment investment company

70 11094 11164

investment fund

70 11094 11164

investment investment fund

70 11094 11164

investing fund

70 11094 11164

investing investment company

70 11094 11164

investing investment trust

70 11094 11164

investing investment fund

70 11094 11164

investment investment firm

70 11094 11164

investing investment firm

70 11094 11164

investment investment trust

70 11094 11164

information technology infrastructure software

4340 10184 14524

information technology systems software

4340 10184 14524

internet software

3218 8035 11253