Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 849,688 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

litigation insurer

0 1 1

light company Learning Management System

0 0 0

long term care facilities real-estate industry

0 2 2

laboratory retailer

0 1 1

labeling wholesaler

0 6 6

life insurance magazine publisher

0 1 1

law firm electronics company

0 1 1

life science fundless sponsor

0 1 1

linesman manufacturer

0 1 1

legal institution tradeshow

0 2 2

Labor information industry

0 1 1

lawn tennis e-zines

0 0 0

life scientist magazine

0 1 1

lifestyle pharmacy

0 1 1

linguistics exhibits/conf/seminars

0 0 0

local news streaming

0 2 2

lending financial advisor

0 4 4

lens maker marketing

0 1 1

legal institution e-learning content

0 0 0

legal professionals modelling software

0 1 1

life scientist search fund

0 1 1

localization wordbook

0 1 1

law firm Computer Based Training

0 1 1

lgbt management application

0 1 1

law firm infrastructure hosting services

0 1 1

limousine fund

0 1 1

long term care facilities software reports

0 0 0

law Search Engine/directory

0 1 1

light company financial intermediary

0 1 1

lifestyle sports club

0 1 1

linguistics tradeshow

0 0 0

law department coursebook

0 1 1

legal DBMS

0 1 1

livery vehicle Web Based Training

0 1 1

legal practice market research

0 0 0

limousine n-directory/reference

0 1 1

law firm coursebook

0 2 2

labeling retailer

0 1 1

legal fund

0 2 2

law school supplemental materials

0 0 0

life science apparel company

0 1 1

legal industry supplemental publisher

0 0 0

land tax website

0 1 1

long term care facilities customer relationship management

0 0 0

law enforcement utility

0 1 1

Latino computer game

0 0 0

light company collaboration software

0 1 1

LAN website

0 0 0

leisure blank check company

0 9 9

litigation insurance firm

0 1 1