Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 850,840 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

podcast distributor

0 1 1

publishing public utility

0 2 2

physical storage real-estate industry

0 1 1

power service Learning Management System

0 0 0

platform as a service health care institutions groupware

0 1 1


0 1 1

platform as a service telecommunications advisor

0 1 1

property and casualty insurance insurance firm

0 1 1

payment venture capital firm

0 2 2

performance improvement training film studio

0 1 1

paas business to business media applications

0 1 1

paas defense (government) software

0 1 1

philanthropy angel investor

0 0 0

parent conference

0 0 0

Polish consumer television broadcasting

0 1 1

paas financial industry application software

0 1 1

paas communications it managed services

0 2 2

Pre-K-12 private equity

0 2 2

paas GRC ECM

0 1 1

physician collective investment company

0 1 1

print Retailing n-directory/reference

0 0 0

physical asset management IDE

0 0 0

paas health care provider application software

0 4 4

post-secondary banking company

0 1 1

paas software deployment information industry

0 1 1

platform as a service customer relationship management marketplace

0 2 2

payment equity financing

0 2 2

podcast marketplace

0 1 1

product management retail

0 1 1

power company collective investment company

0 1 1

paas telecom business process outsourcing

0 1 1

pharmaceutics holding company

0 1 1

Pre-K-12 design software

0 1 1

payment investment firm

0 56 56

polling ad agency

0 0 0

polling ad network

0 0 0

photography exhibition

0 1 1

paas health care informatics software

0 1 1

practice management fund

0 6 6

paas customer service marketplace

0 2 2

prosecutor tech

0 1 1

paas content management information industry

0 1 1

post-secondary cyclopaedia

0 0 0

paas VOIP consulting company

0 1 1

platform as a service electronics company systems software

0 1 1

public relations exhibition

0 0 0

print retail store

0 0 0

platform as a service surveillance information industry

0 1 1

physiotherapists systems software

0 1 1

paas health professional productivity software

0 1 1