Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 849,422 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

SaaS electric company consulting firm

0 1 1

SaaS artificial intelligence Data Protection Software

0 1 1

SaaS marketing department CMS

0 1 1

SaaS homosexual management application

0 0 0

Spanish big data business intelligence

0 1 1

SaaS higher education marketing

0 2 2

SaaS esports industry CBT

0 0 0

SaaS government market research

0 1 1

SaaS employee management media

0 2 2

SaaS promotional products industry productivity software

0 1 1

SaaS health care institutions webhost

0 0 0

SaaS internet company web studios

0 0 0

SaaS loyalty research

0 1 1

surgeon collective investment scheme

0 1 1

semiconductor industry financial intermediary

0 0 0

SaaS orthopaedics software

0 1 1

self-storage real-estate industry

0 1 1

social scientific, technical and medical news wire

0 0 0

Spanish caregiver radio broadcasting

0 1 1

SaaS mathematician office suite

0 1 1

SaaS amazon apps

0 1 1

SaaS gay community software

0 0 0

SaaS oil business Security Software

0 1 1

social investment company marketplace

0 3 3

social health care industry communication applications

0 0 0

SaaS railroad line infrastructure software

0 1 1

SaaS it department e-learning

0 1 1

Slavonic business to business ad agency

0 0 0

SaaS healthcare industry public utility

0 0 0

SaaS software institution Hosting Services

0 0 0

SaaS retailer coupons

0 1 1

sports instruction manual

0 0 0

SaaS data analytics marketing

0 0 0

SaaS waste management industry WBT

0 0 0

social journalist informatics

0 0 0

SaaS specialty school computer game

0 0 0

SaaS healthcare institutions

0 1 1

SaaS customer feedback education applications

0 1 1

social computer programmer application software

0 1 1

SaaS parent e-learning

0 2 2

SaaS children e-learning

0 3 3

SaaS caregiver educational institution

0 2 2

SaaS freelancer IT Services/Consulting

0 1 1

SaaS cyberspace phone company

0 1 1

small business fundless sponsor

0 1 1

SMB business incubator

0 2 2

science financial intermediary

0 2 2

shipping industry utility

0 1 1

SaaS information technology department education industry

0 1 1

SaaS nonprofit informatics

0 0 0