Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 846,948 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

power service CBT

0 0 0

mobile moms apps

0 0 0

on-line defense contractor retailer

0 0 0

online defense contractor sales outlet

0 0 0

on line SAT information industry

0 0 0

cellular advertising website

0 0 0

social mobile phone service informatics

0 0 0

mobile mobile technology organizer software

0 0 0

online communications agency newspaper

0 0 0

mobile p & c insurance industry marketplace

0 0 0

technology enabled data centre tech

0 0 0

cellular electronic book productivity software

0 0 0

on-line K-20 news wire

0 0 0

magnetic tape training school webhost

0 0 0

tape training school webhost

0 0 0

SaaS health insurance marketing

0 0 0

tape specialty school Hosting Services

0 0 0

Cloud Computing investment trust education applications

0 0 0

cellular marketing agency SMS

0 0 0

nonprofit government event company

0 0 0

SaaS healthcare institutions webhost

0 0 0

Cloud Computing investment firm education software

0 0 0

nonprofit fire department exhibits/conf/seminars

0 0 0

wireless military manufacturer

0 0 0

on line fraud management ERP

0 0 0

on-line outdoor advertising Hosting Services

0 0 0

online outdoor advertising host

0 0 0

Balto-Slavic advertising ad network

0 0 0

on line extreme sport classified publisher

0 0 0

action sport classifieds

0 0 0

humor computer game

0 0 0

on-line freesport classified publisher

0 0 0

online immunology software

0 0 0

on line extreme sport classified publisher

0 0 0

SaaS glbt management application

0 0 0

online specialty school edutainment software

0 0 0

on-line technology industry journal

0 0 0

cellular federal government CBT

0 0 0

non profit forest industry media

0 0 0

builder website

0 0 0

biologist computer appliance

0 0 0

on line vocational school directory

0 0 0

police academy vade mecum

0 0 0

police academy enchiridion

0 0 0

Spanish legal practice tech

0 0 0

mobile federal government Web Based Training

0 0 0

online assisted living facilities marketing

0 0 0

monthly life science webcasting

0 0 0

Chinese business management training

0 0 0

nonprofit style portal

0 0 0