Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 846,948 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

3d graphics industry

471 534 1005

3d graphics solutions

245 286 531

3d imaging solutions

245 286 531

3d printing solutions

50 80 130

3GPP Long Term Evolution solutions

9 13 22

3d printing IT Services/Consulting

4 9 13

3d printing IT Consultant

4 9 13

3GPP Long Term Evolution tech

8 9 17

3GPP Long Term Evolution information industry

8 9 17

3GPP Long Term Evolution infrastructure software

7 8 15

3GPP Long Term Evolution systems software

7 8 15

3GPP Long Term Evolution communication applications

5 6 11

3d graphics software developers

4 5 9

3d imaging software developers

4 5 9

3d graphics IT Services/Consulting

62 58 120

3d graphics IT Consultant

62 58 120

3d imaging IT Services/Consulting

62 58 120

3d imaging IT Consultant

62 58 120

3d graphics education industry

9 10 19

3d imaging education industry

9 10 19

3d graphics SDK

4 6 10

3d imaging SDK

4 6 10

3d imaging Media Utilities

4 5 9

3d graphics Media Utilities

4 5 9

3d imaging media applications

8 10 18

3d graphics media applications

8 10 18

3d printing wholesaler

1 2 3

3d printing elearning

1 1 2

3d printing e-learning

1 1 2

3d printing conference

1 1 2

3d printing workshop

1 1 2

3d printing education industry

3 3 6

3d printing distributor

1 2 3

3d graphics value-added reseller

23 24 47

3d graphics value-added distributor

23 24 47

3d imaging value-added reseller

23 24 47

3d graphics VAR

23 24 47

3d graphics value added reseller

23 24 47

3d imaging value-added distributor

23 24 47

3d imaging VAR

23 24 47

3d graphics value added distributor

23 24 47

3d imaging value added distributor

23 24 47

3d imaging value added reseller

23 24 47

3d graphics video game

2 2 4

3d imaging game studio

2 2 4

3d graphics game studio

2 2 4

3d imaging computer game

2 2 4

3d graphics computer game

2 2 4

3d imaging video game

2 2 4

3d graphics electronic device

3 6 9