Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 846,948 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

audit groupware

0 0 0

application platform as a service communications service provider computer manufacturer

0 0 0

apaas tmt industry electronics company

0 0 0

audiotape merchant tech

0 0 0

applied scientist e-zines

0 0 0

audiotape retailer ECM

0 0 0

accoucheur workflow software

0 0 0

analytics fund

0 0 0

anthropologist customers

0 0 0

advertising agency electronic magazines

0 0 0

artist Media Players

0 0 0

application platform as a service business to business electronic device

0 0 0

advertising company document management

0 0 0

application platform as a service csp electronics company

0 0 0

application platform as a service tmt industry manufacturer

0 0 0

apparel industry Server Area Network

0 0 0

advertising agency newsletter

0 0 0

advertising company html ezine

0 0 0

ad agency document management

0 0 0

assisted living facilities seminar

0 0 0

automobile manufacturer handbook

0 0 0

airline testing centers

0 0 0

athletics ad agency

0 0 0

adventure sport classifieds

0 0 0

apaas communications industry computer manufacturer

0 0 0

apaas tmt industry electronic device

0 0 0

audiotape retailer tech

0 0 0

applied scientist electronic magazines

0 0 0

audiotape retail merchant enterprise content management

0 0 0

adult education custom publishing

0 0 0

analytics investment fund

0 0 0

analytics collection agency

0 0 0

audiotape risk management software

0 0 0

artists Media Players

0 0 0

application platform as a service B2B electronic device

0 0 0

assisted living facilities software reports

0 0 0

application platform as a service communications industry electronic device

0 0 0

apaas tmt industry manufacturer

0 0 0

amateur sports industry shopping guides

0 0 0

ad agency newssheet

0 0 0

audiotape business software

0 0 0

admission website

0 0 0

archive classifieds

0 0 0

automobile manufacturer vade mecum

0 0 0

aerospace engineer infrastructure software

0 0 0

apothecary marketing

0 0 0

action sport classifieds

0 0 0

apaas csp computer manufacturer

0 0 0

application platform as a service tmt industry electronics company

0 0 0

automobile manufacturer graphic software

0 0 0