Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 855,042 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

B2B information industry

74422 196587 271009

business to business information industry

74422 196587 271009

business to business customers

65539 280591 346130

B2B customers

65539 280591 346130

B2B tech

65223 180351 245574

business to business tech

65223 180351 245574

B2B software

47059 136765 183824

business to business software

47059 136765 183824

business information industry

42450 82689 125139

business information industry

42450 82689 125139

B2B application software

38949 121342 160291

business to business application software

38949 121342 160291

business solutions

36433 84165 120598

B2B management application

33332 108077 141409

business to business management application

33332 108077 141409

business tech

31087 58769 89856

business software

25566 49889 75455

business software

25566 49889 75455

business application software

23396 47263 70659

business management application

21622 44518 66140

business management information industry

18874 36564 55438

business management information industry

18874 36564 55438

business management solutions

18077 39940 58017

business management tech

17951 35065 53016

business to business IT Services/Consulting

15206 38422 53628

B2B IT Consultant

15206 38422 53628

business to business IT Consultant

15206 38422 53628

B2B IT Services/Consulting

15206 38422 53628

business management software

14798 29417 44215

business management software

14798 29417 44215

business management application software

13172 27442 40614

business management management application

12232 25819 38051

business to business media

9942 15918 25860

B2B media

9942 15918 25860

business marketing

9225 20590 29815

business marketing

9225 20590 29815

business to business publisher

8920 14396 23316

B2B publisher

8920 14396 23316

business to business systems software

8763 16374 25137

B2B systems software

8763 16374 25137

B2B infrastructure software

8763 16374 25137

business to business infrastructure software

8763 16374 25137


7900 10428 18328

B2B enterprise content management

7900 10428 18328

business to business ECM

7900 10428 18328

business to business enterprise content management

7900 10428 18328

business to business analytics software

6817 9201 16018

business to business analytics applications

6817 9201 16018

B2B analytics applications

6817 9201 16018

business to business business intelligence

6817 9201 16018