Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 846,948 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

broadcasting company private equity firm

0 1 1

big data computer network DBMS

0 1 1

big data streaming media publisher

0 1 1

big data key account marketing ECM

0 1 1

big data elasticsearch software

0 1 1

banking industry private equity

0 3 3

Bimonthly shipping industry print publishing

0 1 1

Balto-Slavic advertising media

0 0 0

broadcasting company collective investment scheme

0 1 1

big data education management application

0 1 1

biology classified publisher

0 0 0

brokerage firm portal

0 1 1

big data M2M holding company

0 1 1

blockchain kiosk

0 3 3

bowling magazine

0 2 2

big data risk (investment) information industry

0 2 2

branding computer game

0 1 1

big data school district business intelligence

0 1 1

big data linguistics analytics applications

0 1 1

business executive market report

0 1 1

business to business tpa

0 748 748

big data pharmacist business intelligence

0 1 1

big data internet of things shell corporation

0 1 1

Balto-Slavonic B2B education industry

0 1 1

bionomics marketing

0 0 0

Bimonthly technology companies publication

0 1 1

B2B convention centre

0 2 2

big data communications Development Applications

0 1 1

Balto-Slavic science, technology, engineering, and mathematics electronics company

0 1 1

big data medical laboratory database

0 1 1

big data financial industry informatics

0 1 1

big data streaming media database

0 1 1

big data home services industry application software

0 1 1

big data automobile manufacturer information industry

0 2 2

Balto-Slavic language B2B electronics company

0 1 1

beer maker private equity firm

0 1 1

building seminar

0 0 0

Balto-Slavic language B2B marketing

0 0 0

business intellectual property licensing

0 1 1

big data K-12 management application

0 1 1

block chain private equity

0 7 7

business management business incubator

0 3 3

big data finance risk analytics software

0 2 2

Bimonthly shipping industry publisher

0 1 1

behavioral science fund

0 1 1

Balto-Slavonic STEM manufacturer

0 1 1

Bimonthly outdoor recreation information industry

0 2 2

big data chemist management application

0 1 1

BaltoSlavonic educational institution

0 1 1

big data user-generated content media

0 1 1