Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 846,948 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

back office ERM

52 0 52

back office workforce software

52 0 52

back-office ERM

52 0 52

back-office employee relationship management

52 0 52

back office employee relationship management

52 0 52

back-office workforce software

52 0 52

beverage industry n-directory/reference

1 0 1

Biweekly farmer periodical

2 0 2

bi-weekly granger periodical

2 0 2

Biweekly husbandman periodical

2 0 2

Biweekly granger periodical

2 0 2

bi-weekly husbandman periodical

2 0 2

bi-weekly sodbuster periodical

2 0 2

bi-weekly farmer periodical

2 0 2

Biweekly sodbuster periodical

2 0 2

bird watcher customers

0 0 0

Balto-Slavic media company printing company

1 0 1

Balto-Slavic language media company printing concern

1 0 1

Balto-Slavic media company printing business

1 0 1

Balto-Slavonic media company printing company

1 0 1

Balto-Slavonic media company printing concern

1 0 1

Balto-Slavic media company printing concern

1 0 1

Balto-Slavonic media company printing business

1 0 1

Balto-Slavic language media company printing business

1 0 1

Balto-Slavic language media company printing company

1 0 1

Biweekly food company periodical

2 0 2

Biweekly food industry periodical

2 0 2

bi-weekly food company periodical

2 0 2

bi-weekly food industry periodical

2 0 2

Biweekly agriculture industry newsletter

2 0 2

Biweekly agriculture industry newssheet

2 0 2

bi-weekly agriculture industry newssheet

2 0 2

Biweekly agribusiness newssheet

2 0 2

Biweekly agribusiness newsletter

2 0 2

bi-weekly agriculture industry newsletter

2 0 2

bi-weekly agribusiness newssheet

2 0 2

bi-weekly agribusiness newsletter

2 0 2

Balto-Slavonic publishing institutions printing company

1 0 1

Balto-Slavonic publishing institutions printing business

1 0 1

Balto-Slavic publishing institutions printing concern

1 0 1

Balto-Slavic language publishing institutions printing business

1 0 1

Balto-Slavic language publishing institutions printing company

1 0 1

Balto-Slavic language publishing institutions printing concern

1 0 1

building society industry

0 0 0

beverage industry reference

1 0 1

beverage industry reference book

1 0 1

Biweekly farmer media

2 0 2

bi-weekly granger media

2 0 2

Biweekly husbandman media

2 0 2

bi-weekly farmer media

2 0 2