Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 846,948 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

business incubator industry

7 212 219

book industry

662 1765 2427

book of maps industry

43 55 98

bank industry

127 564 691

blog industry

261 349 610

broadcasting industry

1741 2237 3978

brokerage firm industry

137 522 659

book of instructions industry

7 12 19

behavioral health services periodical

1 2 3

behavioral health services print publishing

2 3 5

behavioral health services publication

2 3 5

behavioral health services publisher

4 7 11

behavioral health services course material

0 0 0

behavioral health services curriculum

0 0 0

behavioral health services e-learning content

1 1 2

behavioral health services eLearning Content

1 1 2

behavioral health services ELC

1 1 2

behavioral health services electronic learning content

1 1 2

behavioral health services electronic learning courseware

1 1 2

behavioral health services eLearning

3 3 6

behavioral health services e-learning

3 3 6

behavioral health services media

4 7 11

behavioral health services magazine

1 2 3

behavioral health services magazine publisher

1 2 3

behavioral health services exhibits/conf/seminars

2 4 6

behavioral health services event company

2 4 6

bot industry

7 12 19

business process management industry

62 75 137

BPO industry

1891 5827 7718

business process outsourcing industry

1891 5827 7718

business to business itinerary

3 6 9

business to business travel guidebook

3 6 9

B2B travel guidebook

3 6 9

B2B itinerary

3 6 9

Backup Software industry

93 182 275

banking company industry

188 560 748

banking concern industry

188 560 748

bisexual event company

4 5 9

bisexual exhibits/conf/seminars

4 5 9

boring industry

0 42 42

biometric security solution industry

22 29 51

biometrics industry

22 29 51

business performance management industry

362 361 723

BPM industry

362 361 723

blank check company industry

16 345 361

billboards industry

55 55 110

business intelligence industry

4493 6614 11107

Book printer channel

0 0 0

booking agency industry

139 200 339

ballooning solutions

0 0 0