Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 847,286 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

biologist computer appliance

0 0 0

boat racing solutions

0 0 0

bookbinding media

0 0 0

biomolecular webcasting

0 0 0

brand document management

0 0 0

builder insurance firm

0 0 0

big data STEM Development Tools

0 0 0

broadcasting sales outlet

0 0 0

Balto-Slavonic business portal

0 0 0

Balto-Slavic language B2B ad agency

0 0 0

big data scientific, technical and medical api

0 0 0

Balto-Slavonic marketing affiliate network

0 0 0

Balto-Slavic business website

0 0 0

blockchain Disaster Recovery Software

0 0 0

Balto-Slavic advertising portal

0 0 0

big data AI IDE

0 0 0

bionomics retail store

0 0 0

behavioral health services course material

0 0 0

business executive exhibition

0 0 0

big data records management IDE

0 0 0

builder portal

0 0 0

business executive content marketing

0 0 0

book printing media

0 0 0

brokerage firm n-directory/reference

0 0 0

brand document management software

0 0 0

builder insurer

0 0 0

biochemist analysis software

0 0 0

broadcasting company mercantile establishment

0 0 0

Balto-Slavic language business website

0 0 0

Balto-Slavic business to business advertising agency

0 0 0

big data STM api

0 0 0

big data medication software

0 0 0

Bimonthly music publisher

0 0 0

blockchain Data Protection Software

0 0 0

Balto-Slavonic advertising portal

0 0 0

big data investors information industry

0 0 0

bionomics mercantile establishment

0 0 0

behavioral health services curriculum

0 0 0

business executive tradeshow

0 0 0

big data records management Development Tools

0 0 0

builder website

0 0 0

biology classifieds

0 0 0

book binding media

0 0 0

brokerage n-directory/reference

0 0 0

branding document management software

0 0 0

big data medication adherence software

0 0 0

biochemist modelling software

0 0 0

broadcasting company outlet

0 0 0

Balto-Slavic language business portal

0 0 0

Balto-Slavonic B2B advertising network

0 0 0