Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 847,286 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

business to business customers

64503 268714 333217

B2B customers

64503 268714 333217

B2B information industry

72777 187062 259839

business to business information industry

72777 187062 259839

business to business tech

63687 170942 234629

B2B tech

63687 170942 234629

business to business software

45760 128313 174073

B2B software

45760 128313 174073

B2B application software

37860 115010 152870

business to business application software

37860 115010 152870

business to business management application

32342 101839 134181

B2B management application

32342 101839 134181

business information industry

41376 76717 118093

business information industry

41376 76717 118093

business solutions

35734 78657 114391

business tech

30248 53063 83311

business software

24806 44271 69077

business software

24806 44271 69077

business application software

22708 41724 64432

business management application

20963 39010 59973

business management solutions

17666 35005 52671

B2B IT Services/Consulting

15000 37496 52496

B2B IT Consultant

15000 37496 52496

business to business IT Consultant

15000 37496 52496

business to business IT Services/Consulting

15000 37496 52496

business management information industry

18323 31467 49790

business management information industry

18323 31467 49790

business management tech

17411 29987 47398

business management software

14302 24384 38686

business management software

14302 24384 38686

business management application software

12724 22461 35185

business management management application

11800 20854 32654

business marketing

9018 20358 29376

business marketing

9018 20358 29376

B2B media

9826 15782 25608

business to business media

9826 15782 25608

business to business publisher

8818 14276 23094

B2B publisher

8818 14276 23094

business to business infrastructure software

8537 14232 22769

B2B infrastructure software

8537 14232 22769

B2B systems software

8537 14232 22769

business to business systems software

8537 14232 22769

B2B financial services

2013 19475 21488

business to business financial services

2013 19475 21488

business to business education industry

5935 14202 20137

B2B education industry

5935 14202 20137

B2B holding company

184 17643 17827

business to business holding company

184 17643 17827

business to business enterprise content management

7494 9969 17463

business to business ECM

7494 9969 17463