Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 847,286 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

cellular health care industry training company

0 0 0

cellular machine translation media applications

0 2 2

Cloud Computing freelancer advisor

0 1 1

cellular voice to text video game

0 1 1

cellular it professional information industry

0 1 1

Cloud Computing customer support advisor

0 1 1

Cloud Computing light company advisor

0 1 1

Cloud Computing privacy productivity software

0 1 1

Cloud Computing artificial intelligence Backup Software

0 1 1

cellular merchant market research

0 1 1

Cloud Computing employee relationship management media

0 2 2

cellular real estate investment trust tech

0 1 1

contractor insurer

0 0 0

cellular airline IT Consultant

0 1 1

cellular athletics career college

0 1 1

Cloud Computing customer relationship management research

0 1 1

Cloud Computing esports industry Learning Management System

0 0 0

computer hardware exhibits/conf/seminars

0 2 2

cellular simulation portal

0 1 1

Cloud Computing juvenile edutainment software

0 1 1

Cloud Computing nurse education applications

0 0 0

Chinese science, technology, engineering, and mathematics informatics

0 1 1

Cloud Computing healthcare institutions web hosting services

0 0 0

Cloud Computing government market research

0 1 1

cellular federal government training software

0 0 0

Cloud Computing dot com web studios

0 0 0

cellular advertising portal

0 0 0

Cloud Computing insurance company computer game

0 1 1

cellular summer school software

0 1 1

clean technology travel agency

0 1 1

Cloud Computing clinical laboratory elearning

0 0 0

Cloud Computing trade school video game

0 0 0

cellular law enforcement guide

0 1 1

caregiver digital signage

0 2 2

continuing education technology industry podcast

0 1 1

Cloud Computing dairying software

0 1 1

cellular legal electronic information

0 1 1

Cloud Computing corporate communications workflow software

0 1 1

car maker industry

0 39 39

clinical laboratory retail

0 1 1

Chinese adult education university

0 0 0

Cloud Computing health insurance print publishing

0 0 0

Cloud Computing media company marketing

0 1 1

crude oil gas service

0 2 2

Cloud Computing HVAC industry CBT

0 1 1

cellular automation electronics company

0 2 2

cellular video game outlet

0 0 0

cellular advertising agency ad network

0 1 1

Cloud Computing law department application programming interface

0 1 1

cellular real estate agent staffing

0 0 0