Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 858,706 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

consumer customers

27703 69080 96783

computer science solutions

17846 68957 86803

computer science information industry

19198 68249 87447

computer science information industry

19198 68249 87447

computer science tech

17883 66423 84306

consumer information industry

27009 47972 74981

Cloud Computing business to business information industry

25683 44942 70625

Cloud Computing B2B information industry

25683 44942 70625

Cloud Computing business to business tech

25656 44863 70519

Cloud Computing B2B tech

25656 44863 70519

Cloud Computing B2B software

25455 44538 69993

Cloud Computing business to business software

25455 44538 69993

Cloud Computing business to business application software

21881 40167 62048

Cloud Computing B2B application software

21881 40167 62048

Cloud Computing B2B management application

19814 37037 56851

Cloud Computing business to business management application

19814 37037 56851

Cloud Computing channel

17838 35840 53678

computer science software

9177 33384 42561

computer science software

9177 33384 42561

computer science IT Services/Consulting

8422 32537 40959

computer science IT Consultant

8422 32537 40959

caregiver customers

4468 27399 31867

computer science application software

4916 23290 28206

Cloud Computing business information industry

15646 22915 38561

Cloud Computing business information industry

15646 22915 38561

Cloud Computing business tech

15630 22870 38500

consumer marketing

9924 22868 32792

consumer media

15555 22793 38348

Cloud Computing business software

15580 22782 38362

Cloud Computing business software

15580 22782 38362

communications solutions

10775 22403 33178

Cloud Computing business application software

14489 21453 35942

computer science management application

3295 21203 24498

Cloud Computing business management application

13675 20367 34042

communications information industry

10446 19904 30350

communications information industry

10446 19904 30350

communications tech

9362 18406 27768

computer network solutions

7867 17175 25042

computer network information industry

7717 15934 23651

computer network information industry

7717 15934 23651

consumer publisher

10992 15464 26456

caregiver information industry

4984 15383 20367

cellular channel

5799 15118 20917

cyberspace solutions

6779 15039 21818

computer network tech

6818 14671 21489

caregiver tech

4399 14549 18948

Cloud Computing practice management information industry

8897 14064 22961

Cloud Computing business management information industry

8897 14064 22961

Cloud Computing business management tech

8893 14052 22945

Cloud Computing practice management tech

8893 14052 22945