Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 846,948 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

daily geographics magazine publisher

0 0 0

direct mail healthcare industry market report

0 0 0

Dental Hygiene insurance company

0 1 1

Department of Health and Human Services classifieds

0 0 0

depository financial institution equity investor

0 3 3

dot-com facilities

0 2 2

descriptive anthropology marketing

0 0 0

daily business to business printing business

0 1 1

datacenter DBMS

0 0 0

disabled web crawler

0 0 0

Dutch earth science portal

0 0 0

digital marketing video game

0 1 1

digital communications technology movie

0 0 0

defense industry EDA

0 0 0

dental surgeon CAM

0 2 2

Dutch style advertising agency

0 0 0

Department of Defense CAD

0 0 0

direct mail B2B marketing

0 0 0

do it yourself systems software

0 0 0

daily sport gambling industry

0 1 1

direct mail health care provider marketing

0 0 0

druggist analytics applications

0 1 1

Dutch scientific discipline media

0 0 0

daily media company periodical

0 0 0

domiciliary care industry survey

0 1 1

data management auction

0 0 0

document management classified publisher

0 1 1

DIY software

0 0 0

digital signage wholesaler

0 1 1

dot-com retailer

0 1 1

defense (government) investment firm

0 0 0

Dutch regional media

0 0 0

demand-side response marketing

0 1 1

domain names publisher

0 0 0

direct mail assisted living facilities information industry

0 0 0

data storage wholesaler

0 3 3

deejay electronics company

0 1 1

doctor streaming

0 1 1

Dutch style portal

0 0 0

digital security Print Service

0 1 1

depository financial institution news wire

0 0 0

data management wholesaler

0 3 3

Dutch entertainment website

0 0 0

department of local government power company

0 1 1

defense contractor holding company

0 1 1

data warehouse market research

0 0 0

Department of Defense game studio

0 0 0

docketing calendar

0 1 1

discrete manufacturer vade mecum

0 0 0

department head application software

0 1 1