Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 858,481 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

domiciliary care industry office suite

0 1 1

defense industry holding company

0 1 1

distributor electronic information

0 1 1

dental hygienist customers

0 1 1

debt collectors productivity software

0 0 0

dot com course material

0 0 0

disabled edutainment software

0 1 1

doctor investment manager

0 1 1

direct marketing periodical

0 2 2

digital display advertising website

0 1 1

digital display advertising affiliate network

0 1 1

demographics organizer software

0 2 2

diving exhibits/conf/seminars

0 3 3

dental care insurance firm

0 1 1

distance education database

0 1 1

distance learning informatics

0 1 1

drug company VC

0 9 9

docketing art and image

0 1 1

Dutch consumer periodical

0 1 1

daily rotisserie gaming industry

0 1 1

daily rotisserie gambling industry

0 1 1

digital publishing webhost

0 2 2

dot com classifieds

0 1 1

dot-com classified publisher

0 1 1

Department of Labor information industry

0 1 1

Department of Agriculture publication

0 1 1

Department of Health and Human Services financial services

0 2 2

driving retail store

0 1 1

driving sales outlet

0 1 1

defense industry collective investment company

0 7 7

Department of Education tech

0 1 1

data mining search engine

0 1 1

daily tmt industry print publishing

0 0 0

daily tmt industry newsletter

0 0 0

direct mail assisted living facilities market report

0 0 0

direct mail healthcare institutions research

0 0 0

direct mail healthcare market research

0 0 0

direct mail nursing homes publisher

0 0 0

Dutch state sector e-learning

0 0 0

direct mail healthcare institutions market report

0 0 0

digital marketing value-added reseller

0 1 1

daily horse racing n-directory/reference

0 1 1

daily executive director newspaper

0 1 1

datacenter financial services

0 3 3

doctor news wire

0 0 0

defense industry game studio

0 0 0

data archive publisher

0 1 1

discrete manufacturer equity financing

0 0 0

Department of Defense game studio

0 0 0

discrete manufacturer equity investor

0 0 0