Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 858,706 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

defense contractor catalog

1 0 1

director customers

3 0 3

dot.com curriculum

0 0 0

discrete manufacturer journal

1 0 1

debt collection agency productivity software

0 0 0

director publisher

1 0 1

decision maker ERM

1 0 1

Department of Defense enterprise resource planning

1 0 1

Defense Department sales outlet

1 0 1

disaster management conference

1 0 1

disaster management exhibits/conf/seminars

1 0 1

daily energy market information industry

1 0 1

daily energy market periodical

1 0 1

dot-com investment advisor

0 0 0

debt IT Services/Consulting

0 0 0

dispatching services customer relationship management

0 0 0

data storage auction house

0 0 0

data archive classified publisher

0 0 0

daily tmt industry print publishing

0 0 0

direct mail assisted living facilities information industry

0 0 0

direct mail nursing homes marketing

0 0 0

direct mail B2B research

0 0 0

Dutch government education industry

0 0 0

daily media company newsletter

0 0 0

direct mail skilled nursing facility research

0 0 0

discrete manufacturer electronic newsletters

0 0 0

direct mail B2B publisher

0 0 0

direct mail nursing homes research

0 0 0

direct mail long term care facilities research

0 0 0

direct mail health care institutions marketing

0 0 0

Dutch STEM advertising agency

0 0 0

Dutch geographics advertising agency

0 0 0

Dutch STM website

0 0 0

Department of Defense computer-aided design

0 0 0

defense industry computer game

0 0 0

Defense Department electronic design automation

0 0 0

discrete manufacturer VC

0 0 0

disabled research

0 0 0

development auction house

0 0 0

dating media applications

0 0 0

digital signage webhost

0 0 0

Dutch natural science advertising network

0 0 0

Dutch natural science ad agency

0 0 0

Dutch science portal

0 0 0

discrete manufacturer e-zines

0 0 0

daily STM magazine publisher

0 0 0

daily industrial industry publisher

1 0 1

digital signage web studios

0 0 0

Dutch regional ad agency

0 0 0

Dutch scientific, technical and medical portal

0 0 0