Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 858,950 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

Danish channel

0 0 0

dilatation and curettage solutions

0 0 0

D and C solutions

0 0 0

dilation and curettage solutions

0 0 0

drugging solutions

0 0 0

descriptive anthropology solutions

0 0 0

dental assistant customers

0 0 0

DIY software

0 0 0

do it yourself software

0 0 0

DIY software

0 0 0

do it yourself software

0 0 0

do it yourself systems software

0 0 0

DIY systems software

0 0 0

do it yourself infrastructure software

0 0 0

DIY infrastructure software

0 0 0

do it yourself communication applications

0 0 0

DIY communication applications

0 0 0

Department of Health and Human Services course material

0 0 0

Department of Health and Human Services curriculum

0 0 0

datacenter DBMS

0 0 0

datacenter database management system

0 0 0

data center DBMS

0 0 0

data center database management system

0 0 0

digital signages industry

0 0 0

dog classifieds

0 0 0

dog classified publisher

0 0 0

dog classifieds

0 0 0

dog classified publisher

0 0 0

dot com financial advisor

0 0 0

dot com investment advisor

0 0 0

dot.com financial advisor

0 0 0

dot-com investment advisor

0 0 0

dot.com investment advisor

0 0 0

dot com investment manager

0 0 0

dot.com investment manager

0 0 0

dot-com investment manager

0 0 0

dot-com financial advisor

0 0 0

dot com curriculum

0 0 0

dot.com course material

0 0 0

dot-com curriculum

0 0 0

dot com course material

0 0 0

dot.com curriculum

0 0 0

dot-com course material

0 0 0

Department of Health and Human Services classified publisher

0 0 0

Department of Health and Human Services classifieds

0 0 0

disabled manipulatives

0 0 0

debt IT Services/Consulting

0 0 0

debt IT Consultant

0 0 0

debt collection agency productivity software

0 0 0

debt collectors productivity software

0 0 0