Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 846,948 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

direct mail health care institutions market report

0 0 0

daily Current Events magazine

0 0 0

digital signage webhost

0 0 0

Dutch lifestyle affiliate network

0 0 0

defense industry video game

0 0 0

defense industry EDA

0 0 0

Dutch lifestyle advertising agency

0 0 0

Department of Defense EDA

0 0 0

direct mail health professional marketing

0 0 0

DIY systems software

0 0 0

data storage auction house

0 0 0

dot com investment manager

0 0 0

Dutch business to business elearning

0 0 0

Dutch public sector education industry

0 0 0

defense (government) financial intermediary

0 0 0

direct mail health care industry information industry

0 0 0

Dutch science ad agency

0 0 0

Department of Energy trade show

0 0 0

discrete manufacturer equity financing

0 0 0

Department of Education analysis software

0 0 0

direct mail nursing homes market report

0 0 0

Dutch scientific, technical and medical advertising network

0 0 0

D and C solutions

0 0 0

DIY communication applications

0 0 0

Department of Housing and Urban Development reporting tools

0 0 0

daily tmt industry publication

0 0 0

data archive publication

0 0 0

direct mail nursing home research

0 0 0

direct response marketing shopping guides

0 0 0

direct mail healthcare provider market report

0 0 0

direct mail health care industry market research

0 0 0

discounts directory

0 0 0

digital signage web hosting services

0 0 0

Dutch lifestyle advertising network

0 0 0

defense industry computer game

0 0 0

defense industry 3d graphics

0 0 0

Dutch lifestyle ad agency

0 0 0

DoD computer aided manufacturing

0 0 0

direct mail healthcare provider marketing

0 0 0

DIY infrastructure software

0 0 0

data recovery auction

0 0 0

dot.com investment advisor

0 0 0

do it yourself software

0 0 0

Dutch government education industry

0 0 0

direct mail healthcare research

0 0 0

direct mail health care institutions information industry

0 0 0

Dutch science advertising agency

0 0 0

Department of Energy tradeshow

0 0 0

disabled search engine

0 0 0

Department of Education modelling software

0 0 0