Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 849,422 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

digital marketing industry

3495 8189 11684

digital marketing solutions

3390 5749 9139

digital marketing information industry

3529 5535 9064

digital marketing information industry

3529 5535 9064

document management solutions

2982 5595 8577

digital security information industry

2586 5650 8236

document management information industry

2954 5233 8187

digital security tech

2560 5614 8174

digital marketing tech

3158 4964 8122

document management tech

2925 5188 8113

digital security solutions

2413 5515 7928

diagnostics solutions

50 6701 6751

development solutions

1993 4607 6600

diagnostics healthcare institutions

7 6560 6567

diagnostics health care institutions

7 6560 6567

diagnostics healthcare service

7 6560 6567

diagnostics laboratory

2 6546 6548

diagnostics clinical laboratory

2 6545 6547

data analytics solutions

2021 4127 6148

data management solutions

2021 4127 6148

data management information industry

2078 4037 6115

data analytics information industry

2078 4037 6115

data management tech

2059 4004 6063

data analytics tech

2059 4004 6063

document management software

2031 4008 6039

document management software

2031 4008 6039

digital marketing software

2217 3700 5917

digital marketing software

2217 3700 5917

development information industry

1832 4003 5835

development information industry

1832 4003 5835

development tech

1774 3921 5695

digital marketing application software

2112 3566 5678

digital marketing management application

1914 3334 5248

digital security software

1299 3495 4794

digital security software

1299 3495 4794

document management application software

1378 3173 4551

digital security systems software

1182 3331 4513

digital security infrastructure software

1182 3331 4513

data analytics software

1316 3040 4356

data management software

1316 3040 4356

data management software

1316 3040 4356

data analytics software

1316 3040 4356

depository financial institution customers

1434 2921 4355

database industry

1795 2325 4120

document management management application

1167 2893 4060

digital security Security Software

950 3079 4029

depository financial institution information industry

1591 2299 3890

Development Applications industry

1408 2361 3769

depository financial institution tech

1542 2216 3758

drug company customers

950 2637 3587