Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 850,840 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

East Asian Languages computer science media

0 0 0

exhibits/conf/seminars terms B2B Print Service

0 0 0

e-commerce phone service

0 0 0

e-sports association

0 0 0

East Asian Languages tourism publisher

0 0 0

english language zoologist media

0 0 0

East Asian Languages cyberspace classified publisher

0 0 0

executive director supplemental materials

0 0 0

exhibits/conf/seminars terms entertainment trade show

0 0 0

english language life scientist information industry

0 0 0

East Asian Languages travel media

0 0 0

East Asian Languages travelling print publishing

0 0 0

ESL productivity software

0 0 0

english language healthcare information industry

0 0 0

East Asian Languages science, technology, engineering, and mathematics print publishing

0 0 0

english language healthcare industry publication

0 0 0

East Asian Languages ecommerce marketplace

0 0 0

education press agency

0 0 0

electrical engineer html ezine

0 0 0

english language health care industry publisher

0 0 0

East Asian Languages computer network marketplace

0 0 0

employee professional book

0 0 0

exhibits/conf/seminars terms business to business publication

0 0 0

East Asian Languages STEM streaming

0 0 0

exhibits/conf/seminars terms tmt industry magazine publisher

0 0 0

East Asian Languages cyberspace portal

0 0 0

East Asian Languages back-office college

0 0 0

ethnography marketing

0 0 0

exhibits/conf/seminars terms tradeshow company media

0 0 0

engineering science reporting tools

0 0 0

East Asian Languages financial industry tradeshow

0 0 0

ecommerce forum

0 0 0

energy market healthcare service

0 0 0

e-book organizer software

0 0 0

East Asian Languages Pre-K-12 supplemental education

0 0 0

employee trade book

0 0 0

english language animal scientist trade book

0 0 0

executive secretary training software

0 0 0

entertainment power company

0 0 0

East Asian Languages grade school curriculum

0 0 0

esports industry Web Based Training

0 0 0

EMS radio broadcasting

0 0 0

East Asian Languages back office education industry

0 0 0

East Asian Languages computer network classified publisher

0 0 0

exhibits/conf/seminars terms energy industries media

0 0 0

ERP retailer

0 0 0

exhibits/conf/seminars terms event company print publishing

0 0 0

East Asian Languages online marketing affiliate network

0 0 0

executive department computer aided manufacturing

0 0 0

East Asian Languages communications streaming

0 0 0