Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 846,948 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

fund debt collection agency

0 1 1

fund collection agency

0 1 1

film industry document management

1 1 2

film industry document management software

1 1 2

facilities industry

319 526 845

financial services industry

2787 22981 25768

formulary industry

1 1 2

fund of funds industry

6 7 13

financial professionals classified publisher

0 1 1

financial professionals classifieds

0 1 1

financial professionals shopping guides

0 1 1

Fax Software industry

12 12 24

film studio industry

726 1046 1772

family office industry

1 1093 1094

fund industry

107 11744 11851

forester media

1 1 2

forester information industry

1 1 2

forester publisher

1 1 2

forester customers

1 8 9

foreign language speaker training

18 23 41

foreign language speaker training company

18 23 41

food company conference

6 5 11

food industry conference

6 5 11

financial intermediary industry

886 16943 17829

forum industry

36 63 99

fishery solutions

9 14 23

fable solutions

0 0 0

farming industry

0 18 18

federal savings bank industry

3 6 9

FSB industry

3 6 9

franchise industry

4 107 111

financial advisor industry

118 1817 1935

federal government customers

814 1234 2048

fertilizer industry customers

1 4 5

fisher customers

10 14 24

fisherman customers

10 14 24

funeral home customers

6 14 20

fueling station customers

36 42 78

fitness center customers

122 150 272

floorshow solutions

1 3 4

floor show solutions

1 3 4

financial officer customers

3 5 8

financial research firm customers

2 2 4

foot doctor customers

0 0 0

fund customers

940 1820 2760

florist customers

2 7 9

facilities management company customers

348 441 789

family doctor customers

0 0 0

flying school customers

0 0 0

faculty member customers

0 9 9