Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 846,948 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

grocery store electronics company

0 1 1

GP publisher

0 1 1

grocery farming

0 1 1

geolocation advertising agency

0 1 1

government collective investment company

0 20 20

GRC classifieds

0 1 1

governance, risk management, and compliance customer relationship management

0 0 0

gaming industry investment fund

0 9 9

golf industry software tools

0 1 1

geographic information system ad network

0 1 1

glassmaker exhibition

0 1 1

government development stage company

0 1 1

garbage disposal outsourcing

0 1 1

graphics technology computer chip

0 1 1

graphic artist wholesaler

0 1 1

German Current Events newswire

0 1 1

geographics computer manufacturer

0 4 4

gym retail store

0 0 0

gas outlet

0 1 1

governance, risk management, and compliance distributor

0 4 4

glbt management application

0 1 1

golf associations advisor

0 1 1

grocery store portal

0 0 0

gaming industry talent agency

0 1 1

gaming industry shell corporation

0 1 1

graphic design managed services

0 2 2

geophysical science holding company

0 1 1

geomatics advertising agency

0 1 1

gaming industry private equity

0 1 1

golf player outlet

0 1 1

glbt talent agency

0 1 1

geography association

0 6 6

grammar school university

0 1 1

German language financial industry software

0 0 0

gambling industry collective investment scheme

0 2 2

games-mistress video game

0 0 0

geospatial marketplace

0 1 1

grocery electronics company

0 1 1

general practitioner publisher

0 1 1

grocery husbandry

0 1 1

geotagging ad agency

0 1 1

government collective investment scheme

0 20 20

governance, risk management, and compliance classified publisher

0 1 1


0 0 0

gambling industry fund

0 9 9

game television broadcasting

0 0 0

geospatial analysis advertising network

0 1 1

glass industry trade show

0 1 1

government blank check company

0 1 1

garbage disposal business process outsourcing

0 1 1