Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 846,948 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

GRC customer relationship management

0 0 0

gym retailer

0 0 0

government private equity

0 0 0

geomatics mailing lists

0 0 0

gaming center marketing

0 0 0

German financial industry application software

0 0 0

governance, risk management, and compliance customer relationship management

0 0 0

gym retail

0 0 0

government equity financing

0 0 0

geospatial mailing lists

0 0 0

gynocologist customers

0 0 0

German language financial industry application software

0 0 0


0 0 0

gym outlet

0 0 0

government reporting tools

0 0 0

geospatial analysis demographics database

0 0 0

governance website

0 0 0

games-mistress computer game

0 0 0

grocery store affiliate network

0 0 0

government television broadcasting

0 0 0

government software reports

0 0 0

GIS contacts database

0 0 0

governance portal

0 0 0

games-master video game

0 0 0

grocery affiliate network

0 0 0

government telecasting

0 0 0

grocery portal

0 0 0

geospatial demographics database

0 0 0

gymnast customers

0 0 0

games-mistress video game

0 0 0

grocery store ad network

0 0 0

government tv broadcasting

0 0 0

grocery store website

0 0 0

geospatial analysis mailing lists

0 0 0

gym media applications

0 0 0

games-master game studio

0 0 0

grocery store advertising network

0 0 0

general agent marketing

0 0 0

grocery store portal

0 0 0

geospatial analysis contacts database

0 0 0

GRC collection agency

0 0 0

games-mistress game studio

0 0 0

grocery ad network

0 0 0

government ILM

0 0 0

grocery website

0 0 0

geomatics demographics database

0 0 0

GRC debt collection agency

0 0 0

games-master computer game

0 0 0

grocery advertising network

0 0 0

government Information Lifecycle Management

0 0 0