Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 847,286 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

High German health care provider publisher

1 0 1

High German caregiver publisher

1 0 1

High German healthcare provider publisher

1 0 1

High German health professional publisher

1 0 1

hr text book

1 0 1

hrm course book

1 0 1

hrm text

1 0 1

hrm text book

1 0 1

human capital text book

1 0 1

hcm textbook

1 0 1

human capital coursebook

1 0 1

human capital textbook

1 0 1

human resources coursebook

1 0 1

human resources textbook

1 0 1

hcm course book

1 0 1

hcm coursebook

1 0 1

human capital course book

1 0 1

hr text

1 0 1

hr textbook

1 0 1

human resources course book

1 0 1

hr course book

1 0 1

hrm textbook

1 0 1

hrm coursebook

1 0 1

human capital text

1 0 1

hcm text book

1 0 1

hr coursebook

1 0 1

human resources text

1 0 1

human resources text book

1 0 1

hcm text

1 0 1

healthcare SMS

0 0 0

health SMS

0 0 0

healthcare text message

0 0 0

health text message

0 0 0

how to software

0 0 0

how to communication applications

0 0 0

HRM Search Engine/directory

0 0 0

HR Search Engine/directory

0 0 0

human resources Search Engine/directory

0 0 0

HCM Search Engine/directory

0 0 0

human capital Search Engine/directory

0 0 0

High German business to business magazine publisher

1 0 1

High German business to business magazine

1 0 1

High German B2B magazine publisher

1 0 1

High German B2B magazine

1 0 1

High German healthcare information industry

1 0 1

how to software

0 0 0

how to systems software

0 0 0

how to infrastructure software

0 0 0

healthcare industry asset management software

2 0 2

healthcare asset management software

2 0 2