Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 846,948 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

it professional ezine

0 0 0

it professional electronic newsletters

0 0 0

information technology professional electronic newsletters

0 0 0

information technology professional e-zines

0 0 0

it professional electronic magazines

0 0 0

it professional html ezine

0 0 0

it professional e-zines

0 0 0

investment trust credit reference agency

0 0 0

investment company credit bureau

0 0 0

investment company credit reference agency

0 0 0

investment trust consumer reporting agency

0 0 0

investment firm credit bureau

0 0 0

investment trust credit bureau

0 0 0

investment firm consumer reporting agency

0 0 0

investment firm credit reference agency

0 0 0

investment company consumer reporting agency

0 0 0

investment company leverage buyout firm

0 0 0

investment firm leverage buyout firm

0 0 0

investment trust leverage buyout firm

0 0 0

Italian health care industry print publishing

0 0 0

Italian health care institutions publication

0 0 0

Italian healthcare institutions print publishing

0 0 0

Italian healthcare industry publication

0 0 0

Italian healthcare industry print publishing

0 0 0

Italian healthcare print publishing

0 0 0

Italian healthcare publication

0 0 0

Italian health care institutions print publishing

0 0 0

Italian health care industry publication

0 0 0

Italian healthcare institutions publication

0 0 0

investment bank Security Software

1 0 1

institutional investors streaming

0 0 0

institutional investors web broadcast

0 0 0

institutional investors webcasting

0 0 0

Italian health care industry publisher

0 0 0

Italian healthcare publisher

0 0 0

Italian healthcare industry publisher

0 0 0

Italian health care institutions publisher

0 0 0

Italian healthcare institutions publisher

0 0 0

internet business financial advisor

0 0 0

internet business investment advisor

0 0 0

internet company investment manager

0 0 0

internet company financial advisor

0 0 0

internet business investment manager

0 0 0

internet company investment advisor

0 0 0

infrastructure asset management waste management

1 0 1

infrastructure asset management recycling

1 0 1

information technology professional manual

0 0 0

it professional manual

0 0 0

in vitro fertilization website

1 0 1

information technology professional electronic magazines

0 0 0