Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 846,948 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

inventory management fund

0 0 0

infrastructure as a service business to business nondepository financial intermediary

0 0 0

investment bank software tools

0 0 0

iaas banking company information industry

0 0 0

investment trust credit reference agency

0 0 0

it professional electronic magazines

0 0 0

Italian user-generated content information industry

0 0 0

iaas capital markets investment firm

0 0 0

Italian healthcare print publishing

0 0 0

institutional investors web broadcast

0 0 0

iaas fund financial intermediary

0 0 0

infrastructure as a service depository financial institution infrastructure software

0 0 0

Italian STM publication

0 0 0

infrastructure asset management investment trust

0 0 0

investment company Computer Based Training

0 0 0

Italian user generated content publication

0 0 0

Italian healthcare periodical

0 0 0

iaas business to business fund

0 0 0

Italian healthcare institutions magazine publisher

0 0 0

information technology professional investment trust

0 0 0

information technology book of maps

0 0 0

infrastructure as a service investment company fund

0 0 0

infrastructure asset management communication utilities

0 0 0

Italian computer science print publishing

0 0 0

inventory management investment fund

0 0 0

iaas B2B nondepository financial intermediary

0 0 0

investment bank apps

0 0 0

infrastructure as a service bank information industry

0 0 0

investment trust leverage buyout firm

0 0 0

information technology professional html ezine

0 0 0

Italian user generated content information industry

0 0 0

infrastructure as a service capital markets fund

0 0 0

Italian healthcare industry print publishing

0 0 0

institutional investors streaming

0 0 0

infrastructure as a service investment company financial intermediary

0 0 0

iaas banking company systems software

0 0 0

Italian scientific, technical and medical publication

0 0 0

infrastructure asset management investment company

0 0 0

investment firm WBT

0 0 0

Italian user-generated content publication

0 0 0

Italian healthcare institutions periodical

0 0 0

iaas business to business investment company

0 0 0

Italian healthcare institutions magazine

0 0 0

it professional investment firm

0 0 0

Italian scientific, technical and medical journal

0 0 0

iaas investment company fund

0 0 0

infrastructure as a service investors investment firm

0 0 0

Italian information technology print publishing

0 0 0

inventory management investment trust

0 0 0

infrastructure as a service B2B nondepository financial intermediary

0 0 0