Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 847,286 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

Industry industry

89448 327182 416630

information industry industry

73192 223930 297122

it industry industry

50012 175495 225507

internet terms channel

37718 70885 108603

information technology information industry

18617 59117 77734

information technology information industry

18617 59117 77734

information technology solutions

17361 59968 77329

information technology tech

17330 57326 74656

IT Consultant industry

15082 37632 52714

information technology consultant industry

15082 37632 52714

IT Services/Consulting industry

15082 37632 52714

IT Consultant industry

10943 31984 42927

IT Services/Consulting industry

10943 31984 42927

information technology consultant industry

10943 31984 42927

information technology software

8794 31154 39948

information technology software

8794 31154 39948

information technology IT Services/Consulting

8261 25679 33940

information technology IT Consultant

8261 25679 33940

information technology application software

4686 23089 27775

information technology management application

3104 21037 24141

internet solutions

6653 14849 21502

investing solutions

2118 18896 21014

investment solutions

2118 18896 21014

infrastructure software industry

7468 13177 20645

internet information industry

6344 13503 19847

internet information industry

6344 13503 19847

internet tech

5476 12278 17754

investing financial services

673 14988 15661

investment financial services

673 14988 15661

investing financial intermediary

406 13730 14136

investment financial intermediary

406 13730 14136

investing nondepository financial intermediary

404 13722 14126

investment nondepository financial intermediary

404 13722 14126

information technology systems software

4184 8153 12337

information technology infrastructure software

4184 8153 12337

investment company industry

107 11751 11858

investment trust industry

107 11751 11858

investment firm industry

107 11751 11858

investment fund industry

107 11751 11858

internet software

3161 7977 11138

internet software

3161 7977 11138

investing investment firm

69 11020 11089

investment investment firm

69 11020 11089

investing investment trust

69 11020 11089

investment investment fund

69 11020 11089

investment investment company

69 11020 11089

investing investment fund

69 11020 11089

investing investment company

69 11020 11089

investing fund

69 11020 11089

investment investment trust

69 11020 11089