Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 847,286 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

job search solutions

752 1966 2718

job hunting solutions

752 1966 2718

job search information industry

665 1272 1937

job hunting information industry

665 1272 1937

juvenile customers

592 928 1520

job search media

385 753 1138

job hunting media

385 753 1138

job search publisher

364 717 1081

job hunting publisher

364 717 1081

job search print publishing

336 681 1017

job hunting publication

336 681 1017

job hunting print publishing

336 681 1017

job search publication

336 681 1017

juvenile information industry

436 556 992

job search shopping guides

316 652 968

job hunting shopping guides

316 652 968

job hunting classified publisher

315 651 966

job hunting classifieds

315 651 966

job search classifieds

315 651 966

job search classifieds

315 651 966

job hunting classified publisher

315 651 966

job hunting classifieds

315 651 966

job search classified publisher

315 651 966

job search classified publisher

315 651 966

juvenile media

358 459 817

job search tech

279 511 790

job hunting tech

279 511 790

job search software

261 484 745

job hunting software

261 484 745

job hunting software

261 484 745

job search software

261 484 745

job search application software

243 462 705

job hunting application software

243 462 705

juvenile publisher

284 370 654

job hunting management application

212 420 632

job search management application

212 420 632

jurisprudence solutions

163 415 578

journal industry

202 354 556

job hunting employment agency

119 309 428

job search employment agency

119 309 428

job hunting staffing

119 309 428

job search staffing

119 309 428

juvenile education industry

157 264 421

juvenile educational institution

107 181 288

juvenile university

107 181 288

juvenile college

107 181 288

juvenile career college

107 181 288

juvenile print publishing

120 167 287

juvenile publication

120 167 287

juvenile tech

102 133 235