Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 847,286 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

light company enterprise resource planning

1 0 1

light company ERP

1 0 1

line of work ERM

1 0 1

line of work employee relationship management

1 0 1

line of work workforce software

1 0 1

lending risk management consultant

0 0 0

loan risk management consultant

0 0 0

literature organizer software

1 0 1

leisure directory

1 0 1

liberal arts CRM

1 0 1

life scientist event planner

0 0 0

legal department course material

0 0 0

law department curriculum

0 0 0

legal department curriculum

0 0 0

law department course material

0 0 0

language school nondepository financial intermediary

0 0 0

light company asset management software

1 0 1

literacy lexicon

0 0 0

lab elearning

0 0 0

laboratory e-learning

0 0 0

laboratory elearning

0 0 0

lab e-learning

0 0 0

life scientist course material

0 0 0

life scientist curriculum

0 0 0

line of work marketing

1 0 1

lesbian computer game

1 0 1

lesbian game studio

1 0 1

lesbian video game

1 0 1

lgbt computer game

1 0 1

lgbt game studio

1 0 1

lgbt video game

1 0 1

line of work market report

1 0 1

line of work market research

1 0 1

leisure outdoor advertising

0 0 0

logistics warehouse management software

4 0 4

lumber industry reference book

2 0 2

lumber industry reference

2 0 2

library graphic software

0 0 0

luxury sector software developers

2 0 2

logistics supply chain management software

39 0 39

language school financial intermediary

0 0 0

legal industry ERP

1 0 1

legal industry enterprise resource planning

1 0 1

liberal arts customer relationship management

1 0 1

life science SMS

0 0 0

life science text message

0 0 0

line of work ERP

1 0 1

line of work enterprise resource planning

1 0 1

lab education applications

0 0 0

lab education software

0 0 0