Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 858,706 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

leverage buyout firm industry

0 122 122

local television station industry

41 35 76

light company training company

4 4 8

light company training

4 4 8

LMS industry

520 1698 2218

Learning Management System industry

520 1698 2218

light company career college

4 4 8

light company educational institution

4 4 8

light company college

4 4 8

light company university

4 4 8

light company Web Based Training

0 0 0

light company Computer Based Training

0 0 0

light company LMS

0 0 0

light company training software

0 0 0

light company Learning Management System

0 0 0

light company CBT

0 0 0

light company WBT

0 0 0

leisure payroll services

2 2 4

light company e-learning

0 0 0

light company eLearning

0 0 0

leisure document management software

3 4 7

leisure document management

3 4 7

light company education software

0 0 0

light company education applications

0 0 0

lens maker journal

1 1 2

lens maker periodical

2 2 4

lens maker magazine publisher

1 1 2

lens maker magazine

1 1 2

lawyer seminar

1 1 2

lexicon industry

15 15 30

language school tech

5 7 12

language school training

8 12 20

language school training company

8 12 20

language school media

2 1 3

language school e-learning content

0 1 1

language school electronic learning courseware

0 1 1

language school ELC

0 1 1

language school eLearning Content

0 1 1

language school electronic learning content

0 1 1

language school e-learning

2 4 6

language school eLearning

2 4 6

language school publisher

2 1 3

language school information industry

7 7 14

language school course material

1 0 1

language school curriculum

1 0 1

lesbian event company

4 5 9

lesbian exhibits/conf/seminars

4 5 9

LGBT exhibits/conf/seminars

4 5 9

LGBT event company

4 5 9

language school publication

2 1 3