Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 846,948 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

loyalty classifieds

0 0 0

laboratory e-learning

0 0 0

login marketing

0 0 0

liberal arts distributor

0 0 0

lab education software

0 0 0

legal department course material

0 0 0

live music n-directory/reference

0 0 0

law firm market report

0 0 0

legal industry Search Engine/directory

0 0 0

life science SMS

0 0 0

loyalty classified publisher

0 0 0

lab elearning

0 0 0

light company education applications

0 0 0

library event company

0 0 0

lab education applications

0 0 0

legal assistant software

0 0 0

lawn tennis n-directory/reference

0 0 0

legal practice market research

0 0 0

long term care facilities seminar

0 0 0

Latino video game

0 0 0

loyalty classified publisher

0 0 0

LAN advertising agency

0 0 0

light company education software

0 0 0

library exhibits/conf/seminars

0 0 0

linguistics wholesaler

0 0 0

legend solutions

0 0 0

local government book

0 0 0

lawyer course material

0 0 0

law school supplemental publisher

0 0 0

Latino computer game

0 0 0

loyalty classifieds

0 0 0

local area network advertising agency

0 0 0

long term care facilities Development Applications

0 0 0

life scientist book

0 0 0

lawyer trade book

0 0 0

long term care facilities software reports

0 0 0

local government trade book

0 0 0

lawyer curriculum

0 0 0

law school supplemental education

0 0 0

Latino game studio

0 0 0

light company Web Based Training

0 0 0

LAN ad agency

0 0 0

lithographer customers

0 0 0

life scientist trade book

0 0 0

lawyer book

0 0 0

long term care facilities reporting tools

0 0 0

lawn tennis vade mecum

0 0 0

law department conference

0 0 0

law school supplemental materials

0 0 0

lumberjack customers

0 0 0