Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 847,286 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

mobile real estate employment agency

0 0 0

mag tape specialty school Hosting Services

0 0 0

mag tape trade school host

0 0 0

manufacturer electronic magazines

0 0 0

mag tape business to business analytics software

0 0 0

managed care organization underwriter

0 0 0

mobile literature retailer

0 0 0

mobile computer game mercantile establishment

0 0 0

mobile cyber security communication applications

0 0 0

mobile Commerce information industry

0 0 0

mobile internet marketing coupons

0 0 0

mobile Department of Defense WBT

0 0 0

mobile hospitality industry Development Applications

0 0 0

mobile software developers apps

0 0 0

mobile field sport portal

0 0 0

messaging cinema

0 0 0

mobile communications service provider telecasting

0 0 0

medical practice handbook

0 0 0

mobile Department of Defense education applications

0 0 0

mobile Department of Commerce application software

0 0 0

mental hospital industry

0 0 0

mobile in-game advertising portal

0 0 0

musician consulting firm

0 0 0

medical scientist professional book

0 0 0

mobile fund training

0 0 0

mobile direct response marketing print publishing

0 0 0

moral philosophy electronic learning content

0 0 0

mobile apparel industry software

0 0 0

mobile travelling atlas

0 0 0

magnetic tape retail merchant application software

0 0 0

military electronic design automation

0 0 0

men exhibits/conf/seminars

0 0 0

mobile SEO apps

0 0 0

mobile LAN computer appliance

0 0 0

mobile defense industry education industry

0 0 0

mobile investment trust educational institution

0 0 0

maths marketing

0 0 0

mobile police departmENTerprise content management

0 0 0

mobile photographer manufacturer

0 0 0

monthly leisure information industry

0 0 0

mag tape training school public-service corporation

0 0 0

mobile government public utility

0 0 0

magnetic tape K-20 telecasting

0 0 0

mobile automobilist marketplace

0 0 0

magnetic tape trade school IT Consultant

0 0 0

magnetic tape retailer tech

0 0 0

mobile eye wear media

0 0 0

music custom publishing

0 0 0

mag tape education public-service corporation

0 0 0

marijuana industry CBT

0 0 0