Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 847,286 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

non profit K-12 eLearning Content

0 3 3

non profit investment company publisher

0 1 1

non profit state sector financial services

0 2 2

non profit entrepreneurs private equity

0 1 1

non profit special needs employment agency

0 1 1

non profit B2B investment trust

0 5 5

nonprofit yachting exhibits/conf/seminars

0 0 0

nonprofit STM portal

0 0 0

nonprofit information technology professional career college

0 2 2

non profit K-20 course material

0 2 2

non profit government event company

0 0 0

non profit paper industry media

0 0 0

nearfield communication customer feedback software

0 1 1

nursing home collective investment scheme

0 1 1

nonprofit entrepreneurs career college

0 1 1

non profit graduate school information industry

0 1 1

nonprofit college curriculum

0 0 0

nonprofit industrial industry enchiridion

0 1 1

non profit department of local government trade book

0 0 0

nurse manual

0 0 0

non profit marketing agency consulting company

0 1 1

non profit government consulting firm

0 2 2

nuclear physics research

0 1 1

nonprofit outdoor recreation association

0 3 3

nonprofit healthcare consulting firm

0 3 3

non profit research worker electronic information

0 1 1

nonprofit organization PEO

0 2 2

non profit patient financial intermediary

0 2 2

non profit children healthcare service

0 1 1

non profit entrepreneurs VC

0 1 1

nonprofit internet business investment fund

0 1 1

non profit internet company investment firm

0 1 1

non profit health professional market research

0 1 1

nonprofit health reference book

0 2 2

nonprofit B2B supplemental publisher

0 1 1

non profit primary school publisher

0 1 1

non profit healthcare institutions database

0 1 1

non profit entrepreneurs training

0 1 1

non profit healthcare payor tech

0 1 1

nonprofit practice management n-directory/reference

0 1 1

nonprofit STM advisor

0 3 3

near-field communication retailer software

0 1 1

non profit healthcare industry magazine publisher

0 2 2

non profit healthcare provider management application

0 1 1

non profit executive department investment company

0 1 1

non profit healthcare application software

0 1 1

nonprofit healthcare event company

0 3 3

non profit patient clinic

0 1 1

nonprofit organization insurance firm

0 0 0

non profit insurance underwriter advisor

0 1 1