Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 846,948 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

non profit information security research

0 0 0

non profit digital security research

0 0 0

nonprofit information security research

0 0 0

nonprofit digital security research

0 0 0

nurse vade mecum

1 0 1

nurse handbook

1 0 1

nurse enchiridion

1 0 1

networking advertising agency

1 0 1

networking ad agency

1 0 1

non profit communications tech

1 0 1

News & Current Events holding company

0 0 0

near field communication computer manufacturer

0 0 0

NFC computer manufacturer

0 0 0

nonprofit communications tech

1 0 1

nonprofit internet security information industry

0 0 0

non profit internet security information industry

0 0 0

nonprofit web security information industry

0 0 0

non profit web security information industry

0 0 0

non profit public safety agencies publication

1 0 1

nonprofit emergency services print publishing

1 0 1

nonprofit public safety agencies publication

1 0 1

non profit emergency services print publishing

1 0 1

non profit emergency services publication

1 0 1

nonprofit emergency services publication

1 0 1

non profit public safety agencies print publishing

1 0 1

nonprofit public safety agencies print publishing

1 0 1

newsvendor customers

0 0 0

newsdealer customers

0 0 0

newsagent customers

0 0 0

newsstand operator customers

0 0 0

non profit internet security media

0 0 0

nonprofit internet security media

0 0 0

non profit web security media

0 0 0

nonprofit web security media

0 0 0

nondiscretionary trust industry

0 0 0

non profit science, technology, engineering, and mathematics software

1 0 1

non profit STEM software

1 0 1

nonprofit STEM software

1 0 1

nonprofit science, technology, engineering, and mathematics software

1 0 1

nonprofit science, technology, engineering, and mathematics software

1 0 1

nonprofit STEM software

1 0 1

non profit STEM software

1 0 1

neurobiology solutions

0 0 0

networking marketing

1 0 1

nonprofit fire department reference

1 0 1

nonprofit fire department reference book

1 0 1

non profit fire department reference

1 0 1

non profit fire department reference book

1 0 1

non profit outdoor recreation media

0 0 0

nonprofit outdoor recreation media

0 0 0