Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 846,948 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

No Attribute channel

51218 254178 305396

niche markets customers

37830 112705 150535

No Subject solutions

9449 93682 103131

nondepository financial intermediary industry

736 16329 17065

natural science solutions

2274 4817 7091

nosology solutions

50 6701 6751

nosology health care institutions

7 6560 6567

nosology healthcare service

7 6560 6567

nosology healthcare institutions

7 6560 6567

nosology laboratory

2 6546 6548

nosology clinical laboratory

2 6545 6547

natural science information industry

2135 3468 5603

natural science information industry

2135 3468 5603

n-directory/reference industry

1461 2038 3499

networking solutions

963 1915 2878

natural science media

1246 1625 2871

natural science tech

957 1906 2863

networking information industry

962 1855 2817

networking tech

955 1848 2803

newspaper industry

1194 1580 2774

natural science software

761 1673 2434

natural science software

761 1673 2434

natural science publisher

1041 1367 2408

natural science application software

690 1595 2285

natural science publication

879 1163 2042

natural science print publishing

879 1163 2042

networking software

507 1265 1772

networking software

507 1265 1772

networking infrastructure software

456 1201 1657

networking systems software

456 1201 1657

natural science periodical

689 924 1613

News & Current Events solutions

555 961 1516

natural science management application

312 1189 1501

News & Current Events information industry

557 942 1499

News & Current Events media

519 896 1415

natural science newspaper

528 692 1220

News & Current Events publisher

396 608 1004

nonprofit organization customers

366 591 957

not-for-profit customers

366 591 957

non-profit customers

366 591 957

NPO customers

366 591 957

nonprofit customers

366 591 957

networking IT Services/Consulting

414 538 952

networking IT Consultant

414 538 952

News & Current Events print publishing

353 540 893

News & Current Events publication

353 540 893

nonprofit channel

99 763 862

non profit channel

99 763 862

natural philosophy solutions

275 579 854

News & Current Events periodical

327 505 832