Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 847,286 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

online product lifecycle reference book

0 1 1

online public relations firm ECM

0 1 1

on line fund edutainment software

0 2 2

on-line civil service training company

0 1 1

open-source data archive IDE

0 0 0

on line file transfer web hosting services

0 1 1

online broadcast media operating system

0 2 2

online juvenile course material

0 1 1

on-line K-20 press agency

0 0 0

on-line oil industry magazine

0 1 1

on-line HCM Search Engine/directory

0 0 0

online assisted living facilities marketing

0 0 0

on-line competitive gaming advertising network

0 1 1

on line e-sports advertising network

0 1 1

on line real estate firm electronic information

0 1 1

on line hr department elearning content

0 2 2

on-line visual collaboration telephone company

0 1 1

office supplies magazine

0 1 1

online freelancer IT Services/Consulting

0 1 1

online film affiliate network

0 1 1

online movie advertising network

0 1 1

on-line picture show ad network

0 1 1

online automobile enthusiasts radio

0 1 1

online 3d printing guidebook

0 1 1

on-line foodservice industry web broadcast

0 1 1

on-line film advertising network

0 1 1

on-line videoconference phone company

0 1 1

online video conferencing phone company

0 1 1

on-line customer experience portal

0 1 1

on line app developers informatics

0 2 2

on-line womens infrastructure software

0 2 2

on line kid guide

0 0 0

online information technology department LMS

0 1 1

on-line it department CBT

0 1 1

on line women systems software

0 2 2

on-line secondary school exhibits/conf/seminars

0 1 1

on-line statistics software tools

0 0 0

on line defense contractor mercantile establishment

0 0 0

online defense industry outlet

0 0 0

online broadcasting company guidebook

0 1 1

on line outdoor advertising web hosting services

0 0 0

on-line payment bank

0 1 1

on line OOH webhost

0 0 0

online freelancer workflow software

0 1 1

on line music telecasting

0 1 1

online chemistry sales outlet

0 1 1

online data storage media

0 1 1

online outdoor advertising web hosting services

0 0 0

on-line brand document management software

0 0 0

on-line medical specialist research

0 0 0