Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 846,948 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

on line channel

37703 70861 108564

on-line channel

37703 70861 108564

online channel

37703 70861 108564

on line business to business information industry

32941 57559 90500

on-line B2B information industry

32941 57559 90500

online B2B information industry

32941 57559 90500

on-line business to business information industry

32941 57559 90500

on line B2B information industry

32941 57559 90500

online business to business information industry

32941 57559 90500

on line B2B tech

30265 54024 84289

on line business to business tech

30265 54024 84289

online business to business tech

30265 54024 84289

on-line business to business tech

30265 54024 84289

online B2B tech

30265 54024 84289

on-line B2B tech

30265 54024 84289

online B2B software

28260 51430 79690

on line B2B software

28260 51430 79690

on-line business to business software

28260 51430 79690

online business to business software

28260 51430 79690

on line business to business software

28260 51430 79690

on-line B2B software

28260 51430 79690

on line B2B application software

23857 45563 69420

online B2B application software

23857 45563 69420

on-line B2B application software

23857 45563 69420

on line business to business application software

23857 45563 69420

on-line business to business application software

23857 45563 69420

online business to business application software

23857 45563 69420

on-line business to business management application

20935 41345 62280

on line business to business management application

20935 41345 62280

on-line B2B management application

20935 41345 62280

on line B2B management application

20935 41345 62280

online business to business management application

20935 41345 62280

online B2B management application

20935 41345 62280

online business information industry

19482 24948 44430

on-line business information industry

19482 24948 44430

on line business information industry

19482 24948 44430

online business information industry

19482 24948 44430

on-line business information industry

19482 24948 44430

on line business information industry

19482 24948 44430

on-line business tech

17603 22045 39648

online business tech

17603 22045 39648

on line business tech

17603 22045 39648

online business software

16994 21305 38299

on-line business software

16994 21305 38299

on line business software

16994 21305 38299

online business software

16994 21305 38299

on line business software

16994 21305 38299

on-line business software

16994 21305 38299

online business application software

15685 19738 35423

on-line business application software

15685 19738 35423