Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 846,948 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

property and casualty insurance insurer

0 1 1

pharmaceutical company VC

0 9 9

practice management private equity

0 3 3

public utility internet forum

0 1 1

paas health care industry collaboration software

0 1 1

platform as a service healthcare collaboration software

0 1 1

paas voice over internet protocol outsourcing

0 1 1

platform as a service telemarketing company tech

0 1 1

public relations firm analytics software

0 1 1

prosecutor software

0 1 1

proctoring training software

0 0 0

platform as a service B2B media applications

0 1 1

paas communications business process outsourcing

0 2 2

public sector PLM

0 0 0

pilot course material

0 0 0

paas information technology Disaster Recovery Software

0 1 1

practice management book of maps

0 1 1

paas government software

0 1 1

practice management collective investment company

0 3 3

participation marketing media applications

0 1 1

product lifecycle financial intermediary

0 2 2

product lifecycle management insurance firm

0 2 2

platform as a service K-20 Development Applications

0 1 1

practice of medicine enchiridion

0 0 0

paas health care provider application software

0 4 4

product management retailer

0 1 1

printing concern wholesaler

0 1 1

p & c insurance industry investment firm

0 1 1

publishing institutions web studios

0 3 3

podcast marketplace

0 1 1

Printing custom publishing

0 1 1

private investments in public equity software

0 1 1

product lifecycle management wholesaler

0 6 6

parent training

0 1 1

property management real estate industry

0 6 6

payment investment trust

0 56 56

publisher association

0 4 4

platform as a service higher education Development Applications

0 1 1

paas home land security information industry

0 1 1

photography trade show

0 1 1

petroleum mining

0 0 0

platform as a service customer support marketplace

0 2 2

petroleum industry VC

0 2 2

petroleum industry association

0 3 3

platform as a service telephony IT Consultant

0 1 1

pro athlete association

0 1 1

pharmacologist information industry

0 2 2

payment collective investment scheme

0 2 2

paas B2B Backup Software

0 1 1

personal finance nondepository financial intermediary

0 2 2