Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 852,249 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

power company LMS

0 0 0

product lifecycle venture capital firm

0 0 0

personal finance web forum

0 0 0

police academy publication

0 0 0

portfolio management investment trust

0 0 0

paas telecommunications industry computer manufacturer

0 0 0

PLM seed accelerator

0 0 0

political economy n-directory/reference

0 0 0

psychologist supplemental publisher

0 0 0

paper industry journal

0 0 0

political science private equity

0 0 0

paas csp electronics company

0 0 0

platform as a service business to business computer appliance

0 0 0

petroleum industry healthcare service

0 0 0

print business publication

0 0 0

public sector PLM

0 0 0

petroleum industry special-purpose acquisition company

0 0 0

paas tmt industry manufacturer

0 0 0

physician vade mecum

0 0 0

physically disabled web crawler

0 0 0

print Retail n-directory/reference

0 0 0

philanthropy newspaper

0 0 0

Pre-K-12 tv broadcasting

0 0 0

proctoring education software

0 0 0

Pump Systems solutions

0 0 0

pet catalog

0 0 0

pre-school webhost

0 0 0

payment power company

0 0 0

polling advertising agency

0 0 0

pr firm consulting firm

0 0 0

print business mercantile establishment

0 0 0

paralegal knowledge management software

0 0 0

power company education applications

0 0 0

print retail store

0 0 0

philology event company

0 0 0

printing concern software tools

0 0 0

peer to peer exhibits/conf/seminars

0 0 0

platform as a service B2B manufacturer

0 0 0

paralegal customers

0 0 0

physician newswire

0 0 0

public-service corporation reference book

0 0 0

paas B2B computer manufacturer

0 0 0

product management private equity

0 0 0

product management private equity firm

0 0 0

product lifecycle investment firm

0 0 0

PLM investment company

0 0 0

paas education Development Tools

0 0 0

pharmacist research

0 0 0

proctoring systems software

0 0 0

philanthropy investment trust

0 0 0