Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 840,169 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

portfolio management investment trust

0 0 0

proctoring Learning Management System

0 0 0

pre-school public utility

0 0 0

Portuguese B2B course material

0 0 0

physically disabled crawler

0 0 0

parking industry database

0 0 0

print business retailer

0 0 0

P2P exhibits/conf/seminars

0 0 0

photography newssheet

0 0 0

print Retail media

0 0 0

platform as a service csp manufacturer

0 0 0

PLM collective investment scheme

0 0 0

platform as a service csp computer appliance

0 0 0

payment processing computer appliance

0 0 0

process manufacturer search engine

0 0 0

product lifecycle management VC

0 0 0

platform as a service csp electronic device

0 0 0

power company newspaper

0 0 0

paas tmt industry manufacturer

0 0 0

pill pusher market research

0 0 0

political science collective investment company

0 0 0

paas tmt industry computer manufacturer

0 0 0

pneumatics solutions

0 0 0

printing business software tools

0 0 0

physician news agency

0 0 0

PLM fund

0 0 0

power service seminar

0 0 0

public sector DBMS

0 0 0

portfolio management investment firm

0 0 0

proctoring training software

0 0 0

pre-school public-service corporation

0 0 0

Portuguese business to business curriculum

0 0 0

physically disabled webcrawler

0 0 0

parking industry informatics

0 0 0

print business mercantile establishment

0 0 0

platform as a service business to business manufacturer

0 0 0

patent software tools

0 0 0

print Retailing media

0 0 0

platform as a service communications industry manufacturer

0 0 0

product lifecycle management collective investment company

0 0 0

paas communications service provider computer appliance

0 0 0

payment computer appliance

0 0 0

politician tabloid

0 0 0

product development business incubator

0 0 0

paas communications industry electronic device

0 0 0

product development financial services

0 0 0

platform as a service tmt industry manufacturer

0 0 0

pill roller market report

0 0 0

political science collective investment scheme

0 0 0

platform as a service tmt industry computer manufacturer

0 0 0